Chapter 10: Connect

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It wouldn't be long now until Tex and Emily would drive into the city of Hell Creek. To Tex's surprise, the area in the city was more lit up and filled with people walking the streets in the daytime.

"Wait, I thought you said people hide in their homes at night because of the crime rate?" Tex question to Emily. She was sitting next to him in the driver's seat, driving the car.

"That's in the southern section of the city. Crime down south is higher compared to the northern side. Up north, not a lot of crime happens so people up here are less afraid which gives them the freedom to explore the richer stores and go-to-spots the city has to offer." As Emily explained this, the two would drive down a commercial street filled with lit-up stores, dining spots filled with people sitting outside, and more people walking down the streets, carrying shopping bags and pocketbooks. Eventually, Emily would drive the car into a parking garage that was on the street and park it on the second floor.

"Wait, you just leave your car here with all these other people's cars?" Tex asked curiously as the two walked down the garage towards the elevators.

"Of course. That's the point of a parking garage. Whenever people want to explore the area without driving, they park their car here to stay for a while and when they want it back, they come and get it later" she answers. One of the elevator doors would open and a large family of people would come out. This family consisted of two parents and two small, but loud children. The loud children made Tex jump a bit in shock, shown as he hasn't approached kids before. Tex and Emily then walked into the elevator, where Emily would press the arrow shape buttons to go down.

"Wait, this is just a square room. It doesn't go anywhere" Tex said, confused.

"Just wait, you'll see," Emily replied calmly. To Tex's surprise, the elevator doors would suddenly close, allowing the elevator to move down to the first floor. Once down, the doors opened, revealing a calm standing Emily and a shooked Tex, who was not used to a moving room going down once so ever.

      "When you don't wanna walk up or down long flights of stairs, people let the elevator do the cardio for them," she says as she steps out of the elevator

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"When you don't wanna walk up or down long flights of stairs, people let the elevator do the cardio for them," she says as she steps out of the elevator.

"Hehe, cool," Tex nervously replied as he slowly stepped out of the elevator, walking behind Emily. Once the two were out of the parking garage, they would be exposed to the bright-lighted commercial street. "Wow. I've never seen anything this artificially lit before" he says, mesmerized by the street. But he does get walked past by a couple of people walking by. "But uh...It's very crowded here, isn't it?"

"Well, when people decide to make this possibly the safest crime-free spot in the city to explore without a care, then yes, it does get pretty crowded, especially at night" she answers in a deadpan voice since she does agree that the amount of people in this place is something she does get pet peeved by. Tex seemed a bit uncomfortable with the crowds as he placed his hands in his jacket pockets. "I take it you're not a crowd person?"

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