Chapter 8: Reopening

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If it weren't for Revit's influences, Emily wouldn't have found the bus stop to take her back to the city of Hell Creek. He was even kind enough to lend her some money to help pay for the ride. It took hours, but just in time, Emily's bus was able to pull up at the bus stop in the city, just outside of the Hell Creek Police Department. The streets were busy as usual, with people walking down the sidewalks and occasionally up and down the stairs reading inside the station. After the bus left, Emily started to look around to see if Owen was around.

"Emily!" Speaking of Owen, he had finally found her, waving from the top of the stairs. He immediately ran down the steps as fast as he could and jumped just as he reached the bottom step.

"Owen, good to see you-" Emily said with relief before Owen immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight. Though she didn't feel tight by this, she did feel picked up as Owen would lift her off the ground by a few inches, essentially holding her. She was surprised by this notion as she thought this was unlike him.

"Emily, I was so worried. You disappeared after the earthquake, I looked all over town and you didn't reach out to me until this morning, you really had me going" he says, feeling relieved to see her. Though she was shocked, Emily did chuckle a little at Owen's surprising worry.

"Um...are you hugging me?" She asks while smirking jokingly. Hearing this made Owen so surprised at himself he would gently put Emily down and let go of her.

"Uh, right, of course, uh....well, you know, as your partner, it's natural for me to be concerned for your well being. But as a professional coworker, I respect your personal space and show no personal feelings once so ever" he says, trying to defend himself in a professional work manner. But Emily didn't buy this.

"Yeah, right, sure you big softy," she says before turning to start walking up the stairs. Owen did grow shocked eyes hearing this. This did make him irritated.

"Never in a million years, Topsy" he mutters, but she hears and giggles.

"Yeah, I know. Is the commissioner ready to see me now?" She asks turning back to see him down a couple of steps from her.

"Uh, of course, he's in there. He no doubt is ready to hear what you've been through in the past 12 hours. Just promise you've prepared on how to approach this?" Owen asks, checking in to make sure Emily knows what she's doing in regards to speaking to their boss.

	"Owen, please, this is Commissioner Bryce Brach we're talking about

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"Owen, please, this is Commissioner Bryce Brach we're talking about. He loves me, therefore he'll love anything I say" she responds in confidence. She truly believed that whatever she said to their boss, he would understand. Owen eventually followed her up the stairs and entered the building with her.

It wouldn't take long for the two to walk across the building and enter through the offices. The main predicament rooms had desks of multiple detectives working, delivering files, and occasionally cops working to deliver new cases. Owen and Emily eventually were called into the commissioner's office. The title of the door being labeled, Commissioner. Inside the office, there were file cabinets set up along the left wall, and a long thin table with a stabler, paper, and a can of paper clips was stepped up against the right wall. A few feet from the door, near the back wall with the window, was the commissioner's desk. The window behind him let in some light, but specs of blocky light due to the shades behind him being partially open.

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