Chapter 9: Interests

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  It had only been two days since settling into Formation National Park, but the team of rebel dinosaurs has come a long way in settling into their new home. Most of the house had been rebuilt, covered in new paint, and decorated with new furniture, provided by Emily from the city and Revit from the storage shed in the park. The team also got some landscaping done by mowing the overgrown grass surrounding the land and trimmed out the vines that were growing around the house. This was able to give the team a front yard and a wide-open backyard for them to hang around. In no time, the house was now standing as a healthy, grey painted and brown roofed house. They observed the finished touch by standing a couple of feet away from the front of the house.

	"Alright! Our very first home outside of Terrarium! This is a dream come true! I can't believe it!" Blaster says jumping up and down in excitement

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"Alright! Our very first home outside of Terrarium! This is a dream come true! I can't believe it!" Blaster says jumping up and down in excitement.

"Okay, breathe birdman. It's a lot to take in, but we managed to make it happen" Shane says, calming down Blaster a bit.

"Our new home" Tex whispers with pride that he and his team have finally made a new home for themselves in the outside world, without Terrarium's help. He and Emily would smile back at each other with glee at what they and the team accomplished.

"So....what do we do now? Like what's next on the agenda?" Morgan asks, confused about what they're supposed to do now they have a house.

"Easy, Morgan, we live like free dinos, pteros, and marinos!" Blaster says before he jumps up in the air, flaps his wings, and flies over to the front of the house. He landed next to a hose stand that was attached to the side of the house. "Now that we're free, we can do whatever we want! We can play around with anything that we want, like this thing! Uh, whatever it is" he says pointing to the hose. He started to take the rollout of the stand and find the end, but as he did, he got a little tangled in the long hose as it started to wrap around him. The others watched with confused faces before Caren decided to approach him to help get him untangled.

"Huh? I didn't expect Blaster out of all you guys to be less familiar with what a hose was?" Emily speaks out. She had been told that Blaster was raised in the modern world, but never expected him to know so little about it.

"Though it's true Blaster was raised in the present day unlike the rest of us, he hasn't exactly left the base enough times to know what home remedies are" Shane clarifies.

"Hey, guys! I found a nozzle thingy! I'm gonna turn it!" Blaster shouts out, which brings shocked faces to the team.

"Wait! No Blaster! That's a-" Shane yelled out. But it was too late as Blaster turned the nozzle and caused a large impact of water to spray out of the hose. He was quite surprised by the water pressure that was spitting out of the hose, but it suddenly stopped when the nozzle was turned the other way to stop the water from coming out. Caren, who had walked over to him, had turned the water off. However, the water accidentally sprayed directly at her, making her wet from head to toe. She showed this further when she spat out more water that got in her mouth.

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