Chapter 7: Introduction

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Staring back at the cabin building in the forest clearing, the dinosaurs and Emily were left puzzled by this appearance.

"Huh? I've never seen buildings in the middle of the woods before" Shane speaks out.

"Is this common? Cause I thought most people build their buildings in places like Hell Creek" Tex asks, confused.

"Uh, no, you'd guys would be surprised by the number of places people build their homes" Emily answers after signing her breath. "But this might be good news, if there's a settlement here, then that means there might be someone here who could help me get back home, and from there I can help you guys, of course" she explains as she starts to think about how this could help herself and the team.

"Hm, I see where this is going for you, but what about us?" Caren asks.

"I'm not sure yet, but I'll think of something. But first, let me see if I can find someone here who can help. In the meantime, you guys stay here. It'd be a lot easier to get some help without scaring anybody" Emily explains.

"Hey, have we ever scared anybody in our forms before?" Blaster asks, trying to stay confident about how they can't scare anyone. However, most of the team made stern faces as they knew that wasn't just a rhetorical question, but a stupid question.

"Well, you did scare that one lady one time while you were visiting Two Medicine, after accidentally swallowing your morph bracelet, of course," Shane comments in humor. But Blaster took offense to this.

"It accidentally fell into my pudding dish and that lady came out of nowhere! I told you not to bring that up!" He shouts out while pointing back at Shane.

"Okay! Guys, can we please just focus here? We'll stay low while you go in, Emily" Tex speaks out, breaking Blaster's yelling.

"Thank you, Tex, hopefully, I should be in and out in a couple of minutes. You guys stay here, I'll be back" she says before she starts to crawl through the bushes, carefully without creating an opening where the dinosaurs could be seen through. Once out, she starts to walk across the clearing and approaches the cabin.

"I hope this works," Caren says, a bit nervously.

Walking to the front of the cabin and around the convertible jeep, Emily would see the front of the cabin to be a tall cabin lounge with two floors and wood stacking up the walls. At the front of the property, she saw a sign pinned to the ground that read Formation National Park: Trading Center.

"A nature park, huh? Well then, I guess it would be helpful to find an employee who knows these woods better than I do" she says happily to herself before she makes her way to the front door. Entering, she finds the place to be completely empty of people. But the lounge itself is nice and orderly. A soft, brown couch and a couple of chairs were set up around an iron fireplace built in the wall. The floor had a narrow green carpet running down from the front door to the front desk, which was only about ten feet apart. Hanging up along the walls were photographs of the forest, with one showing a young, brown-haired boy with glasses standing next to a tall, brute man with a military uniform on.

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