Chapter 4: Allegiance

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"I really don't know how else to express how grateful I am for you two rescuing me," said the ophthalmosaurus girl who Shane and Blaster just saved from being drowned and eaten by the sarcosuchus swimming in the city moat surrounding the city. They, along with the argentinosaurus man, Elder, were still standing at the end of the sewage tunnel that led to the moat. "Well, me and this man," she said pointing her flippers over to Elder, who acknowledged his presence.

"That's alright. But I think the only thing you can do for us is tell us who you are and what you're doing here" Shane asks, wanting to know who the girl is and what she was doing with Elder and the clam.

"Yeah, 'cause you don't normally see marine reptile girls wander the Viridian city with giant clams and sauropod men" Blaster says jokingly a little, which makes the girl chuckle a bit.

"Right, of course, where are my manners? My name is Morgan, I am an ophthalmosaurus and a representative agent in training from the Alto branch of Terrarium in Oxford Clay" she says, introducing herself as Morgan to ophthalmosaurus.

"Alto branch?" Shane whispers in confusion.

"Wait, Oxford Clay? Isn't that where all the fancy people live?" Blaster asked in confusion. Shane though quickly smacks Blaster's elbow to keep him from saying anything that might offend Morgan since she's from Oxford Clay.

"Um...some rich folk and some interesting folk I'm sure. But the point is I am a trainee agent who has been sent here by Terrarium to recover this artifact" Morgan said as she walked over to pick up her clam. "This clam was a rare artifact that was stolen from our lab and sold on the black market by some humans who posed as representatives from the Oxford Museum of Alto. They sent me to get it back" she explains.

	"Wait a minute, you mean to tell us that Terrarium sent a marine reptile at your age across the sea to retrieve a stolen artifact? Uh, no offense in any way" Shane says, feeling surprised that Terrarium would send a young girl like Morgan oversea...

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"Wait a minute, you mean to tell us that Terrarium sent a marine reptile at your age across the sea to retrieve a stolen artifact? Uh, no offense in any way" Shane says, feeling surprised that Terrarium would send a young girl like Morgan overseas and steal a rare artifact like an extinct clam species. But he tried to be respectful since he called her young without learning her age.

"Eh, none taken, I'm only seventeen so I can see why you would be worried about my well-being. However, I don't blame you for your concern" she says, taking no offense, but looks down at her clam in worry, which the boys pick up on.

"What do you mean?" Blaster asks in confusion.

"Well, the thing is...I've been having doubts about what the company's been up to lately. Harboring secret alliances, business deals, black market activity, and on top of it all, Terrarium in Alto and Selva have started agent training for dinosaurs ten years and older. They're basically forcing young dinosaur anthro's to go through agent training. I've only been anthro'd for some time now, so this is just stuff I've been told. But because I heard about all this stuff and my previous ambitions for wanting to go back to my roots in the prehistoric seas, I've been thinking about leaving and finding a new place to go." The boys would feel a bit speechless at how Morgan is saying these bad things about Terrarium, but they are more baffled at how she wants to leave it.

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