Chapter 6: Escape

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It wasn't long before the dinosaurs, Emily and the generals returned to Terrarium. Instead of being given the choice to meet with Hero or return to their cell rooms, the dinosaurs were forced to meet with Hero, directly in his office. The dinosaurs, including Tex, Caren, Shane, Blaster, Morgan, and Rover, were all standing around Hero's desk. The generals stood behind them, with Grey still holding a cuffed Emily by her upper arms. Sinor and Mega were in the room as well, standing on both sides of the doorway. Hero himself would be sitting behind his desk, hands closed together, and wearing a dissatisfied face.

"So, after all, I gave you creatures, life, a new home, and a chance to explore a new world, you all end up returning to my dwelling with unsatisfying results," he says, expressing it in a very unhappy voice. This voice was not a settling sound for the dinosaurs.

"But sir, we can explain everything if you would just-"

"I had ENOUGH excuses coming from you and your kind, rex!" Hero shouted out, interrupting Tex as he was trying to defend himself and his friends. "You and your posse of lizards have already broken enough rules today. Splitting up, showing off your human forms in public, taking in a foreign project, exposing our secrets to a human police official, and letting one of your own commit thief, murder, and escape our custody! All of these actions are very disappointing, dinosaurs, and are considered a federal punishment by Terrarium. You should all be ashamed of yourselves." As Hero bragged about the team's rule-breaking today, the team itself started to feel bad about breaking Hero's rules today. But some members, mainly Tex, knew they needed to speak out about Hero's intentions.

"We know sir, and as much as we're sorry, we did learn some things about you that we would like to talk to you about. Believe me when I say we want them answered now" Tex speaks out.

"You have no right to ask Hero any questions on the count of your disrespectful behavior today" Dreda yelled out, hoping to submit Tex and the team into preventing them from asking Hero any questions.

"Silence Dreda, though I am mad, I do believe it's time to hear their side of the story. Ask away t-rex" Hero said, raising his hand at Dreda. Though he didn't want to deal with the team's excuses, he did admit he would want to hear what questions the team had for him. Tex, though, did feel slightly offended when Hero referred to him by his species name and not his first name.

"Right, first of all, we heard about your supposed plan to use dinosaurs as secret agents or so-called soldiers. The fact that you mutated my body with a strong build and released me, Caren, and Kireina out early just so we could train faster and become your agents sooner than what you normally expect" Tex explained. Hero acted unchanged by what he said, but the generals did feel surprised when he talked about this.

"Also sir, we did manage to encounter a sarcosuchus in the city today, specifically in the moat surrounding it" Shane speaks out.

"Yeah! A giant prehistoric crocodile swimming in the moat! A prehistoric one from millions of years ago to be brought back to life here? Sounds like your doing from this place, Leo" Blaster spoke out, sounding less formal than how Tex and Shane were talking. The generals were also surprised by this development, but only to Mega's notice, Sinor didn't act so changed, as if she knew something about this.

"We've also heard about how Terrarum has multiple bases on each of the world's continents, however, you're operating them completely without government watch and maybe conducting some experiments and technology illegally. Other things included your history with Hero Industries and affiliation with Hell Creek. In particular, your police case regarding your disappearance" Caren explains. Hero kept a stern face through the whole confrontation.

"Is that so? And I assume you've learned all of this from the young police official?" Hero asks as he directs his attention to Emily, being held by Grey. "This does seem accurate."

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