Chapter 13: Battle

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It didn't take long for Blaster to knock out all of the Terrarium troopers that were guarding the airship's power generator. The generator was responsible for powering the airship the team were on, which is why Shane is trying to shut it down so they could get off it and expose it to the people before the city of Hell Creek. But they had to do it soon or else it was going to crash right into it. Blaster beated through the last guards before others retreated due to hearing Hero's order of retreat. Some were even carrying unconscious guards. Once they were gone, he and Shane were the last ones left in the room.

"Welp, those guys are gone. How's it going with that computer, man?" Blaster asks, looking over at Shane.

"Almost done. I finally cracked the main frame. All I have to do now is trigger the self termination sequence, which will shut down the generator and then shut the entire ship's engines as a whole." Shane explains this while he types hard on the keyboard as he opens up the computer browser with the self-destruct that will shut down the generator. He finally cracks the mainframe, which makes him smile a bit. "Got it! Almost......and..." he says happily. However, the mainframe screen suddenly popped up a big red box with white letter that said Action Unavailable. Self Termination Not Found. This message was not good for Shane. "What? Action unavailable?!" he says in fear.

"What's wrong?" Blaster asks, noticing Shane's scared voice.

"The generator doesn't seem to have a self-destruct sequence or an emergency power shut down. I can't turn this off manually" Shane explains, feeling more concerned that his expertise cannot turn the generator off.

"No self-destruct? Wow, the bad guys really thought this through, haven't they?" Blaster says sarcastically.

	"GUYS!" Shouted the voice of Emily

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"GUYS!" Shouted the voice of Emily. She, along with Tex and Caren, finally returned to the duo. They were seen entering through one of the hallways connected to the generator room. Hearing them made the boys notice.

"Tex! Emily! And Caren! You guys are back and okay!" Blaster shouted, happy to see his friends were safe.

"Oh thank God you guys are okay. Hero's not too far from us, is he?" Shane asks, just to make sure.

"Probably. The last time we saw him we ran from his office. But he ordered the ship to evacuate so we may have a chance to get out of here without being caught" Tex answers.

"What's the status of the generator, Shane?" Caren asks, concerned about how the generator is still operating.

"Uh, not good I'm afraid. Apparently this is designed so it can't shut down as long as the airship is active. Unfortunately, I can't shut this down through the computer" Shane sadly explains, which makes the others concerned a bit.

"Isn't there any other way to shut it down besides through the computer?" Emily asks.

"You could always destroy it?" said the voice of Peter, to the group's surprise. They would turn to see Peter, Morgan, and Elder approach the group, coming out of another hallway.

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