Chapter 25

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D- I have to admit.. She's good at sex..

When I heard this coming out of his mouth, I felt the world inside me crumbling.

I felt like time stopped flowing.

How could he do such a thing to her? How he could bear to hear her screamig?
How did he dare to touch her?

Ana broke into tears.

Kellie run to her. She heared what Dax had said. Kellie's eyes were on me. She was horrified.

I wanted so badly to break every bone of his body.

I wanted that bastard to suffer, like I did all these years because of him.

N- Dax, I swear to God, you will pay for this .. Pray that I don't find you, because if I do I'll spit blood on you.

D- Isn't it a bit ironic to threaten me while I have your brother and Eva? If I were you I would pay more attention to my words, Queen..

N- Leave them, Dax.. It's me you want, not them..

D- I know.. But, I like when I trigger you aroud..

N- Dax, tell me.. When and where?!

D- Are you willing to take their place?

N- Dax! Just tell me!

D- At the dock. Two days. I'll text you the time. Try to do anything stupid and Eva is the fist to get hurt..

N- I want to talk to them..

D- Like you do, I want many things.. 

N- Dax I mean it! I want to make sure they're both okay.. It'll take only a few seconds..

D- I'm not around now.. Wait a call later..

N- Dax, don't you-

I did not have time to say what I wanted and the phone went dead.

K- Boss..?

"I know it's hard to handle, but at least try to stay strong for as long as you can.." Kellie said and sat next to me. 

I turned my head to her. She was right, I had to be strong for them. 

N- The load is too heavy, Kellie.. 

K- I know, but it's what you do.. You did the same for me and every person that's next to you..

N- It's not the same, Kellie.. 

K- I know.. Family is always family.. same goes for the feelings we have for some people.. Do not abandon them now that they need you..

N- I'll find a way..

K- I know.. You always do, boss..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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