Chapter 10

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N- Eva. Do. Not .Cry.

E- I'm fine. But know that old ways won't open new doors, Nathan.

How can a person do that, without thinking? How can she do that? How can she talk and not care if her words turn into sharp knives?

She's holding on. Gripping whatever she can do to keep it together for another day. She doesn't think about next week or next month. Just today. That's what she tells herself. That's how she's gone this long.

N- Stop the car.

E- Why?



I stopped the car and turned the music down.

Nathan looked furious. My heart was beating so fast. My entire body was freezed. I might have crossed the line.

N- Do me a favor, okay?

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again" he told me and turned his face towards me.

"You may be the number one person NY's citizens, reporters, magazines and paparazzi are after, but I never allowed anyone to give me orders. I'm working for Dax not because I like him, not because I wanna be around him, not because I think I deserve to be in his company but to make my leaving, to be independent and do things the way I want. I know I deserve better for my life, but I've been working my ass to get what I've gotten so far. I don't give a fuck about your fame, your money or your fancy industry. I've been talking to you the way I talk to my friends and all the people I care about." I answered him crossly.

N- We've just met. How do you know that you care about me?

E- A small talk is enough to understand some things. At least for me.

N- Still..

E- Okay, listen. For so long, we have been alone, far enough away from everyone and everything, very late at night, after a lot of drinking and it hasn't crossed your mind to do anything just to take advantage of the situation.

N- It might have crossed my mind. ..

E- And still you did nothing. I mean look at me. I'm in a tiny black dress, vulnerable to anyone and especially at such a time like that. Anyone would have taken advantage of me right now. But you didn't.

N- Why should I do such a thing? I would never force you to do so. Not just you, every girl I'll probably meet.

E- See? I know you're not like everyone else.

N- And how do you know that?

E- I can feel it.

N- Don't trust everything you feel, Eva.

E- You can do so. I trust my feelings more than anything.

N- I still don-

E- It's been a week since I started working for Dax. From the first day, he'd been looking at me in a lustful way and made me feel embarrassed every time I was near him. Today he called me at his office to inform me about the projects you have undertaken together. Just before I left, he approached me and almost threw himself at me. He is my boss and I work for him. From the first day, he started to get closer to me without thinking about the slightest thing. And now I am here with you all alone and you have done nothing like what he already did. It's enough for me to understand you're not like him and all those guys like him and..

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