Chapter 3

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I walked away from her, Ι took my staff and before I put my glasses on again, I looked at her in a very promising way. I smiled at her, I put my jacket on and left. As soon as I left the building, I saw Tyler waiting for me.

T- Mr Queen, your father called.

N- What's the matter this time?

N- Τhere is a problem about...

N- About our company. Did I guess right?

T- He's waiting for you to call him. In fact, he demanded to contact him as soon as possible.

N- Leave my father for now. Eva King. I want to know everything about her. How old she is, where she's coming from, relationships, family members. Everything that is associated with her. Did I make myself clear

T- Do we have a problem with the lady?

N- Do what you're told without asking.

T- Of course, Mr Queen.

N- Keys, Tyler. Now.

I grabed the keys from Tyler's hand and got in the car.

N- I wanna be alone. Try to find as much as you can. And, Tyler... nobody will learn a thing.

I raised the window's glass, pressed the accelerator and started driving.

All I was thinking about is her soft skin I felt in my hand. I wanted her. I'm sure about that. In fact, all I want right now is to hear her calling out my name so loud. But, I am not the type of man who is looking for something permanent in his life. After all that I have gone through the only thing I'm sure of, is that I wanna have my independence and freedom. I've learned to live like that those years and it's much better. I know who is next to me and who is against me. I know how to use what I have. And what I've learned well in this life, is not to open up to anyone.

There are many who describe me as a whimsical person. I won't say it's not valid. I do have my peculiarities. One of them is I always do what I want. In any way and at any cost. So I don't mind reading bitter comments in the newspapers, magazines and -of course- on the Iternet. That's me. That's the way I am. All they've been writing about me, there are all true. Whoever walks away from me because of that, should not care to look back.

In my life, I've been destroyed in a thousand ways. And now, I know a thousand ways to rebuild myself.


Time is passing by, and I'm still at the office. I really need this job, but... every day I feel more and more exhausted.

It's difficult to move out on your own, away from your family, in a city full of people you see for the first time in your life. And even more difficult is that you need to work non-stop, just to make a living.

Right after high school's graduation, I wasted no time and started looking for a job. My parents always supported me. As much as they could. But I couldn't burden them more. I had to live my life exactly as I wanted it to. I left my house, moved to another city where I found my first job from which I saved money for my University.

For the last five years, my life has had the same pattern of everyday life. University, work, home. As soon as I got my degree, I did my internship, and it was that period I met my ex. It was a huge mistake to mix my love affairs with my professional ones. I ended up hurt, alone and very soon without work. You know, working in the same place with your ex doesn't make things better. On the contrary, it makes the situation even worse. That's why I resigned. And now, a year later, I'm working in the second best company in NY.

A- Earth to Eva.

E- Huh?

"Are you even listening to me?" Ana said.

E- No, not really. What?

A- Dax is waiting for you in his office.

E- I suggest you not to call him Dax. He's our boss, what if he hears you?

A- You know I don't care much, Eva.

E- Something tells me you don't really like him.

A- I don't. I mean, look at him. He is an asshole, who only cares about sex. Not to mention he's another one for scummy list.

E- He is just weird, Ana. Let him be as he likes. As long as he doesn't bother you, you don't have to worry.

A- Don't make him wait more. Go inside, and we'll continue gossiping later.

I stood up, fixed my dress and walked through the hallway. Αs soon as I arrived at his office I knocked the door and waited to hear the approval to head inside.

D- Come in, Eva.

Τhe time I opened the door, smokes from the cigarette slatted my face.

E- You wanted to see me, Mr Ross.

D- Yes, Eva. Take a seat.

"Is there a problem? Did I do something wrong?" I asked while I was closing the door behind me.

D- No, Eva, everything's fine.

E- So, why you...

"I wanted to make sure you know what type of man is Nathan Queen." Dax said interruping me.

D- Hear me out, Mrs King. Queen is the richest man in NY. You have to be on good terms with him. We work together on some projects from time to time. The money he's paying us is necessary since it covers almost 30 % of our company's revenue. I want him to be satisfied with our cooperation. I wοn't accept mistakes. Understood?

"Yes, Mr Ross." I replied awkwardly.

D- What time you'll finish from here, Eva?

E- In... In an hour, Mr Ross.

D- Shall we go grab a bite?

E- I.. I'd loved to, but... but I'm really tired.

D- I hope you're not afraid of me, Eva.

E- No.. No, of course not. But I'll have to pass. Thank's for the invitation, maybe an other time.

Dax got up from his chair and came towards me.
His eyes scanned me. I felt very uncomfortable. I pulled my body back as much as I could, as he approached me.
He stood in front of me, and grabbed the handles of the chair with his hands. He brought his face very close to mine and with an extremely diabolical smile told me "Next time I won't be that polite to ask you so".

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