Chapter 2

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As I was walking to Dax's office I kept bringing Eva to my mind. She looked different than all those girls I've been with all these years.

As soon as I arrived at his office, I put myself together, I opened the door and went inside. I saw Dax holding some papers, I rolled my eyes at him and closed that damn door behind me.

When Dax noticed me, he left the papers on his desk and he approached me.

Every time I' m looking at him, I remember what happened between us and what I've gone through because of him. We used to be inseparable, and he was the only person I could trust. I always shared everything with him and I never kept a secret of him.

Now, the only thing left between us is hatred, anger and a lot of competition. It's really sad how a person you trust and consult, suddenly turns against you.

D(ax)- Mr Queen, how nice to have you around once again.

N- Don't start Dax I'm not in the mood.

D- Serious as always.

N- Well, Dax. Is there a good reason for not being in my office today? We had an appointment, remember?

D- I'm working on something. You know, I have a privet life apart from working all day.

Here goes again. Dax's privet life.

I used to have privet life. 'Used to' past tense. I used to be happy and enjoy every minute of my life, doing things that pleased me. Until one day, I became the number one person paparazzi were after. In one night I lost my reputation and almost my company. I worked very hard to rebuild what they had demolished and get where I am now.

N- I used to have one. But for your help I lost everything.

D- Don't be sad buddy, think the good parts. You was extremely famous that period.

N- Don't 'buddy me' Dax. Yes, I was but now I'm even more. So whatever you had done, wasn't enough to take me down.

D- I wonder... you are still mad at me because of this, aren't you?

N- It doesn't conserns you. I'm here to make business, not to analyze mistakes both of us made.

D- You're hurting my feelings dude.

Dax Ross, my used-to-be-friend, was responsible for everything that happened to me. After our relationships were cut off, he decided to open his own public relations company. A few months later, he contacted a very close friend of his, who worked as an editor for a well-known magazine. Together, they published an article in the magazine, stating that I had alcohol issues and I was cheating on the girl I've been dating for 2 years. Lies. But people in NY are like tale-tellers. I couldn't persuade them that it was all a big lie, so I kept doing the only thing I could -and still can- do right. Prove them wrong.

N- Who is the guest you wanna bring on Friday?

D- Eva.

N- You mean Mrs King?

D- Yes, Nathan, Mrs King.

N- Leave the girl alone, Dax, and for once grow up!

D- Haven't you see her? How can I leave her alone?

N- Is there a reason you have to bring her with you?

D- She's new around. I want her to get acquainted with her work and her responsibilities. I expect her to know who is coming in and out of my office and with who we're working with.

N- Do what you want, but leave her alone. Eva has nothing to do with the girls you are used to spend your time aimlessly.

D- I can always share if you're interested.

N- I mean it, Dax! Leave her alone. Additionaly, don't you ever bother Kellie again. She's my assistant, not your toy to play.

D- Are you done, Nathan?

N- Don't be late this time. See you on Friday.

I exit his office fretful. I still wonder how Dax is dealing with his company. I mean, the guy is totally a jerk.


I was sitting on my chair, biting one of my pens. I couldn't help myself stop thinking about him. This cold look he has is so ... sexy. Weird, but sexy at the same time. His voice ... I would die to hear it in my ear. But.. I know men like him. Τhey're only keen on how they'll fulfill their desires. They're always having sex with another girl every night, without emotions envolved. He's the last thing I need in my life right now. I'm really fed up with assholes that the only thing they want is to screw around.

"Stop biting the pen, Mrs King, you'll end up smudged." he said in a spicy-smiley face.

E- Why are you smiling, Mr Queen?

N- Let's just say I like your glance.

E- Huh? My... uh...

M- You're blushing, Mrs King.

E- No, I'm not.

He came closer to me. He look deep into my eyes, and he put my hair behind my ear. I felt so intense.

N- Are you sure, Mrs King?

E- I... I'm... I'm sure.

N- Well, in that case I'll have the chance to cause you much more than blushing.

Mr Ross's voice stopped our little -but so hot- chat.

D- Eva, I see you've already met Nathan, right?

E- Yes, Mr Ross. Mr Queen was telling me...

N- I've just informed Mrs King about our meeting on Friday night. But you came just in time I was about to tell her who is going to be our guest.

D- Eva, as I explained to Nathan earlier, I want you to be on our meeting on Friday. Mostly because this period you'll be in touch with Mr Queen. We have some business issues to take care off.

N- Exactly. You don't have a problem with that, do you Mrs King?

E- N... No, no of course not. It will be my pleasure to be on the meeting.

N- Perfect. Let Mr Ross upgrade you with the details. See you on Friday, Mrs King. Dax.

Mrs King... The way he's calling my name... Uh, Nathan Queen you're going to be the death of me.

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