Chapter 16

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As soon as I returned home, I called Ana. 

I was very upset by what had happened at the office earlier today, and I really needed somebody to talk about it. 

A- Heyy, youuu..

"Can you come over?" I asked her directly.

A- Are you okay? You don't sound well..

"I'm not.." I replied and took a deep breath.

A- Well I'm still with Mike, but we can come over if you want..

E- Oh, sorry, I didn't know that..

A- Eva, I can still come if you want me too it's- 

"No, no okay, it doesn't matter. See you next time.." I told interruptinh her.

A- Are you sure?

E- Yeah, it's okay. Have fun. 


A- Eva, wait..

"Something happened.." Ana told Mike.

M- What?

A- She rang off..

M- Is she okay?

A- I wouldn't say so. Can you drive me to her place?

M- Let me get dressed first. I wanna see her too, if you don't mind..

A- Sure, I'll be waiting. Hurry up!

Back to Eva's POV

After the phone call, I undressed myself and ordered pizza.
I plaited my hair and lay down on the couch staring at the TV.

The time was passing and I knew I had to inform Dax about my absence later at night.

Perfect, now I have to report that dickhead for every step I'll take.

I called him as soon as I could to let him know I was going to pass the meeting.

D- Miss me already, Eva?

E- Mr Ross.. I hope I don't bother you..

D- No, you're not. What's the matter?

E- I'm afraid I won't be able to be on the meeting tonight..

D- Why that, Eva?

E- I don't feel well..

D- I see.. It's okay, darling.

E- I've emailed you all the information you need so you don't have to worry about additional details..

D- See you at the office then..

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