Chapter 5

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 A while later, we arrived at the bar. We entered the bar, and what I saw took my breath away.

I saw Eva in a tiny black dress. Her body was a piece of art. Her eyes were shining like diamonds among the lights. Her long black hair was like whips ready to swat everyone around her. 

My gaze was fixed on her for some minutes when my brother broke the silence, asking me at which table we would sit. 

I pointed to the table on the VIP's area, while I kept looking at her. I passed in front of her almost as if I was invisible so that she wouldn't be able to notice me, or at least not be able to notice me for the time being.

I sat in my seat and waited for my brother to decide what he was going drink. 

Eventually, the world is very small. We always meet these people that we keep bringing to our mind. Those who say that when you think of someone too much karma will show him/her up in your path, are totally right. 

I must make my mind get rid of her, because I have to remember one thing. Everything is temporary. People, emotions, thoughts and sceneries. Everything. I mustn't become attached, but just to flow with it. 

M(ike)- Who's the girl you're looking, man?

N(athan)- What girl?

M- That girl over there The one with black hair. 

N- She's Dax's assistant. 

M- I thought Dax had an awful taste in women. 

N-  Oh, God, no. It's not like that. 

M- You seem to be interested, don't you?

N- What makes you think I'll tell you?

Μ- Com'on, Nathan. You'll tell me sooner or later. Go ahead. Split it out. 

N- It's not something specific. I just had a long time to see such a beautiful woman like her, that's all.

M- That's all?

N- Yes, what else could it be?

M- You're Nathan Queen, dude. I expect everything from you, man. 

N- Oh, okay okay. Now shut up and don't make me regret going out with you.

M- Fine, but I must say she's gorgeous. And as I can see, her friend looks delicious too.

Ν- Watch your saliva bro. 

M- Yeah, very funny. 


I was dancing in the club next to Ana. For me dancing is like taking a mini vacation from the stress of the everyday. Every time I dance, I enjoy the luxury of being me. Dancing is my drug and music is my dealer. 

A(na)- Hey, Eva. Aren't you a pole dancer?

E(va)- How do you even know that? I said surprised

A- Your friend told me a while ago. 

Todd. Todd was the first person I met when I was still at University. Our personalities matched from the very first moment. He's my beastie since then, and the best friend a person can have. It's been a while since we last had a drink. The club we are right now is his. Because he works all night and rests the rest of the day, it's hard to spend time together. But it doesn't matter. I come for have a drink here and there.

About pole dancing... It's true. Ιt's a misunderstood type of dance but it has something that makes me feel liberated. I've chosen it as a way of workout but it ended up being one of my biggest interests. It's one of the reasons I feel comfortable with my body. Many people think it's a vulgar dance. For me, this is just a stereotype.

E- I'm gonna kill Todd. 

A- I think I saw a stele somewhere.

Ana took a sip, and then looked me in the eyes. I know that look. Hell. No.

E- No, Ana, don't even think of it. No way!

A- Whyyy? I've never seen you dancing. Do it for me.

E- No, look all those people. How can I dance infront of them?

T(odd)- Well, it won't be the first time, boo. 

E- I'm gonna kill you, Todd. Why? Just tell me why?

A- Why are you acting like that? Don't you like dancing?

E- I love dancing!

A- Then where's the problem?

T- Nowhere, she's just shy. She'll dance.

I stare at him in an ungry way.

T- For me.

E- No, Todd. You know I did it once for a very specific reason. 

A- Then, it's hight time for you to do it now. 

E- Guys! I'm not gonna dance. Firstly, I'm wearing a dress. 

T- I have some clothes you can put on. 

A- See? Perfect.

T- Come on, Eva. Pretty pleaseeeee..

E-Uhhh, fine! One dance, okay?

A- One dance.

E- Good. Now, bring me these damn clothes before I change my mind!

Todd laughed and went to find the clothes I was about to wear. 

I don't like to dance infront of people. It's something like... my personal pleasure. Every time I dance, I dance for me. Only, for me! I dance to be free, to forget and so that I can have something to love when I feel like nothing loves me. When I dance, I cannot judge. I cannot hate. I cannot separate myself from life. I can only be joyful. That's why I dance. 

Α- I can't wait to see you on that thing, giiiirl.

E- That thing is a pole stele.

A- Whatever ti is, I can't waiiiiiit.

T- Here you are, boo.

E- I'll be there in five.

I took the clothes from Todd's hand and went behind the bar to change. 

You can't name these 'clothes'. There are more like underwears rather than clothes. Todd, I swear next time I'm having a drink here, you're dead. 

I put them on, and went to the pole stele. I took a deep breath, I signaled to Todd and waited to pick a suitable song. 

Here you go, Eva. You've got this. Close your eyes and dance. Remember: dance first, think later

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