Chapter 1

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Darryl's POV:
I woke up earlier than usual. I opened my phone and checked the time, it was only 6:20am. School starts at 7:30, meaning I have just over an hour to get ready. I'm not really sure what to do for the time being, it usually only takes me about 20 minutes to get ready.
I decided to not get out of bed yet, instead I just scroll through Twitter. My feed is completely dry. I only installed the app so I could stalk my favourite celebrities. But, nobody was tweeting recently. I was confused, but I got over it and went on YouTube instead.
I've always wanted to be a YouTuber. I like the idea of entertaining people and making them smile. But, since I'm still in high school I don't have enough time to start yet. But, I hope that in a few years I make my own channel.
40 Minutes later,

After scrolling through youtube for awhile, I decided to stroll out of bed and begin changing my clothes.
I decided to wear a red t-Shirt with black ripped jeans. I also threw a hoodie on since the weather isn't going to be very good today. I wear my favourite lucky hoodie. I call it my lucky hoodie because every time I wear it, it puts me in a good mood and something good always happens in that day.
No, it's not the most stylish thing ever. It's dark blue and says "G4Y". Which means gay. My mother brought me this hoodie since she knows im gay, although.. im still closeted to most people at my school. So, when people ask, I just say it says Goy which means non Jew and then I make up a story saying this hoodie was a great grandfathers or something.
You might be wondering, why don't I just tell people that I'm gay? And no. There is no way I'm doing that. You see, my school is completely homophobic. Most of the teachers think gay people are disgusting, reckless sinners, so, I fear that if I tell people at my school they will tell the teachers and then I will be treated differently to others.
Anyways, after I'm done getting ready I head downstairs to make breakfast. I decided to make eggs and crumpets, my favourite. It takes about 5 minutes to cook and 3 minutes to eat. I'm still a bit early, I have about 20 minutes until school.
I decided to text my friend to make sure that we're still meeting up in the morning. We do meet up everyday but I just want to make sure!

Hey, we still meeting up this morning?

I type out and press the send button anxiously. Within seconds, I get a reply.


Yep! Infront of the gates as usual.

I smile at the message and begin putting my school stuff into my backpack. I like to consider myself as an organised person, so I only rarely forgetting about things. I start by filling my backpack with the basics: my reading book, a pencil, pen, ruler, rubber and a drink.
Then I check the time on my phone. The clock read 7:12am so I decided to leave now. I don't want to be late!
I jog down my road, weary of the time. When I get to the front gate I see my friend standing there, waiting for me patiently.
"Hey Darryl!" Alex smiles and waves.
I walked over to him and gave him a fist bump. We both walked into the building to see something unusual.
There was a big crowd of people around some sort of poster on the wall. I looked around the hallway, confused.
"What's this?" I asked Alex while pointing at the many strangers before me.
"You haven't heard? The school office wants to have a school sleepover to raise money. It will be like a charity event or something. I don't know if I'll go though, it will probably be boring." Alex explained and rolled his eyes at other students who were already laughing and getting excited about the sleepover.
"Are you kidding? The schools doing a sleepover? That seems so cool! We're going." I smiled and held Alex's hand, dragging him to the front of the crowd so we could get a better look at the poster.
I stared at the poster with excitement.

School Sleepover!
On Friday straight after school.
Sleeping bag, snacks, drinks, blankets, SMILES!
Sign up at the office if interested.

This seems so exciting! Although, I don't think Alex agrees.
"No way. This seems so lame." Alex said rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.
"Come on! I'll do anything. Please?" I said, trying to convince him to agree to come.
"Ok how about this. I'll come, IF...
You call me Big Daddy." Alex giggles and raised an eyebrow.
I stare at my bestfriend with an annoyed look on my face.
"I hate you Quackity." I rolled my eyes. "Big.... Daddy.." I mumbled and looked around the hallway, making sure nobody heard that.
"BAHAHAH! Omg you're hilarious. Fine, I'll come." Quackity giggled and patted me on the back.
I smiled at my friend and laughed. I checked the date on my phone, it was Thursday the 10th of June. The sleepover was tomorrow. I was so excited!
897 Words <3

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