Chapter 6

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"I-.." Zak wasn't sure what to say. Did he even know my name? Why did he kiss me? And why did I like it?
We both stared into each other's eyes.
"Zak..." I begun, not knowing what I was going to say next. All I knew is that I just wanted to be there right now. With Zak. I felt safe around him. I knew he'd protect me.
I didn't say anything after that, I just wrapped my arms around Zak and hugged him tightly.
"This may sound stupid, since I just kissed you... but.." Zak whispered into my ear, "what's your name?"
I giggled and replied "Darryl."
"Okay, well Darryl. What do you want to do? We can stay here or go back to the auditorium." Zak said pulling out from the embrace.
"I-uhhh.. I don't mind. I think it's a little better here but we could go back to the auditorium if you'd prefer." I say, smiling at the other male.
"Let's stay here then, alone." Zak says winking at me. I giggle.
Zak sits on the sink counter after checking it's dry. He looks at me and then pats on his lap.
"Huh?" I say, acting dumb but I know exactly what he's asking.
"Sit on my lap, idiot." Zak says, confidently.
I blush. I knew what he wanted but I didn't think he would actually just ask me like that. He's so confident. I like it.
I stroll over to him and look up at him. "You sure?" I say.
"Oh come on. I'm only asking for you to sit on my lap, Its not like I'm asking to have sex with you or something." Zak says, rolling his eyes playfully.
'Language' I thought to myself. But, Zak's right, it doesn't mean that much.
I put both my hands on the sink and then jumped up. I sat on Zak's lap and looked up at him. He gently kissed my forehead and then smiled at me.
"So, what're your hobbies?" Zak asked me, wanting to get to know me more.
"I- uhh.. I like to play minecraft..." I say, embarrassingly.
"No way! Me too!" Zak says, excitingly. "What's your gamer tag? We should play together sometime."
"SaintOfGames. I came up with it myself." I said, smiling and looking up at Zak.
"Cool. Mine is Skeppy." Zak says, containing eye contact with me. I know we were talking about minecraft, but why did the atmosphere feel so romantic?
Me and Zak didn't say anything else after that. He placed his hand on my thigh and looked deep into my sage green eyes.
'Wow.. he really knows how to make a guy go crazy, ey?' I thought to myself and giggled.
"What's so funny?" Alex says to me, raising an eyebrow.
"I- uhh.. nothing. But I need to ask..." I say, awkwardly.
"What?" Zak says.
"Are you like... into.. guys..? It's just... you kissed my neck and uh- well.. I just don't know why you did that.." I ask, awkwardly.
"Oh! Right.. uhh... I'm sorry.. I don't know why I did that.. but uhh, yes. I'm into guys, I'm Bisexual." Zak admits while scratching the back of his head, awkwardly.
"Nono, don't be sorry! I umm.. it was nice. It's just, I only met you today so.." I say, smiling awkwardly.
"Right.." Zak replies. "You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of done that. If I made you uncomfortable in anyway, I apologise."
"It's fine. I uhh.. I didn't feel uncomfortable at all." I say, smiling and looking up at Zak's eyes, and then his lips.
'I don't even know this guy.. why do I feel like this?' I thought to myself, blushing.
Zak clearly could see me blushing and staring at his lips. He giggled and looked at me. The tension was really extreme. It made me nervous, I could feel my anxiety rising.
I quickly drop down from Zak's lap and stand on the floor. I grip my hands, trying to control my anxiety so I don't make a complete fool out of myself.
"I-I have to go. I'll see you later. Bye Zak." I say, waving as I walk away back to the auditorium.
"Bye, cutie." Zak says, leaning his head back on the wall and saluting to me.
'Cutie? Again?' I thought to myself as I could feel my cheeks going bright red.
I enter the auditorium to see Alex sitting with Vincent, I didn't know they knew each other... I walk over to them and greet them, kindly.
"Hey." I say, trying to sound 'cool' infront of Vincent since I'm in desperate need of more friends. I barely have any.
"Hello Darryl! Why'd you take so long?" Alex said, raising an eyebrow.
"I um-.. one of the teachers wanted to ask me about my thoughts on having the school sleepover." I lied, hesitantly. I didn't want to tell Alex and Vincent about my encounter with Zak in the toilets because I wasn't sure what it all meant. So, I decided to keep it a secret.
Me, Alex and Vincent are talking for a few minutes when Vincent asks if he should move his sleeping bag over here and sleep in our area.
"Sure! That'd be fun." Alex said, smiling.
"I agree!" I say.
"But, then my friend would have to come aswell. If that's alright." Vincent says.
"That's fine! The more the merrier, right?" Alex replied.
I nod.
Vincent goes to his old area and picks up all his belongings and throws them on the floor.
"My friend is in the toilet now so I'll wait for him to come back to tell him we're staying here." Vincent explains while he straightens out his sleeping bag and puts it next to Alex's.
We all continue talking for awhile, I've officially made a new friend! I lie down on my sleeping bag while we continue chatting. I'm actually pretty tired. I don't close my eyes though, I just stare at the ceiling, listening to their conversation.
"Who's that? Alex says, pointing to something, or someone. I can't see since I'm still lying down, and I don't particularly care.
"Oh! That's my friend. The one that's gonna be joining us and sleeping in our area." Vincent explains.
"Oh, cool. I don't think I've seen him before." Alex says.
I stay lying down, staring at the ceiling. "Heyy! Zak!" Vincent says, fist-bumping the other male.
'Wait what? ZAK?!' I think to myself. I quickly sit up to see him. Yes. It's him. Zak is going to be sleeping next to me.
"Hey. Sorry I took awhile. I got my stuff though. We sleeping here?" He says, looking at Vincent and then Quackity, and then he notices me.
"Oh. Hey Darryl." He says, a smile forming across his face.
"H-Hi." I stutter as my face goes bright red.
"Yep, we're sleeping here for the night. You can put your sleeping bag wherever." Vincent says, pointing at nearby places.
Zak walks closer to me and looks to the floor next to me. "May I?" He says, focusing his eyes onto mine.
"Yeah, sure.." I say, blushing.
Zak placed his sleeping bag inches away from mine. Why did he put it so close? I look at him. Our eyes meet, once again. But I quickly look away, remembering that we're not alone.
"Hey so how did you two meet?" I ask Alex and Vincent.
"Oh! Funny story actually!" Alex starts to say, but I'm not listening. I keep glancing over at Zak, who is looking at me every time I give him the slightest look.
I still hear Alex blabbering on, but I'm not giving him the slightest bit of attention. I find myself constantly looking over at Zak. And he is constantly looking at me.
I need a break to breathe.
"I'm gonna head to the toilets. I'll be back in a bit." I say, awkwardly standing up.
"Ok, bye!" Alex says.
"See you." Vincent says.
"I uh- I actually need to use the toilet as well. Mind if I tag along?" Zak asks, looking into my eyes.
"Uh... yeah, sure." I say, my cheeks going bright red, once again.
Me and Zak both stand up and walk into the direction of the toilets together.
1382 Words <3

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