Chapter 9

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We both lay there, cuddling all night. I fell asleep within seconds and I think Zak did the same.
I woke up that morning, alone. Zak was gone. I'm not sure where either. I rubbed my eyes, sleepily. I yawn and sat up, looking around the hall, most of the students are still sleeping. Although, I couldn't see Zak anywhere. I saw Alex, fast asleep. Same with Vincent.
I rub my eyes again and ruffle my hair out of my face. I struggle to get to my feet and then take another look around the auditorium. There were a few teachers around the corners, making sure none of the students were doing anything stupid.
I open my phone and see that I've gotten multiple messages from my mother.
Sweetheart, you ok why didn't you come home last night?

Darling where are you?

You ok kiddo?

I don't reply, I just simply leave her on read. You probably think I'm a shit kid for not replying to a worrying parent, but trust me. My mother only messages me when she needs something. She probably just wants me to go buy her some more cigarettes with my credit card, or something.
I shove my phone into my pocket and roll my sleeping bag up, I then slide it into my backpack. I need a wee though so I decide to put my bag down and go out of the auditorium into the hallway. I begin walking down the hall to the toilets.
As I turn a corner, I see an unfamiliar girl pacing around the halls.
"Hey, you alright?" I ask, looking at her.
"Huh?! Oh.. yeah. I'm alright." The girl says, plastering on a fake smile.
"I'm Darryl." I introduce myself, trying to make her feel more comfortable.
"I'm Caroline." She says.
"I'd love to chat with you, but I really need the toilet. I hope to see you later though?" I say, awkwardly.
"Yes! Of course. See you later." She says, walking away and looking back at me multiple times before she turns the corner.
I continue walking to the toilets and when I do, I see Zak in there. Our eyes meet and I smile. I'm not sure why we keep meeting in the disgusting toilets, they're not very romantic. But, it'll do, I suppose.
"Hey." Zak says, walking towards me. I walk over to him too. When we meet, we wrap our arms around each other, longingly.
We hug for what seems like forever, until Zak pulls away. I notice that face is bright red.
"Darryl.." he says, looking at the floor awkwardly.
"Yeah?" I respond.
"I woke up this morning and you were leaning your head next to my face... and we were facing each other. How'd that happen?" Zak giggles, awkwardly as he looks into my eyes.
I can feel my cheeks burning up as I get extremely flustered.
"W-What?" I stutter. "I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" I apologise uncontrollably.
"No no! I don't want you to apologise, I'm telling you this because I want you to know that I liked it. We have so much chemistry, don't you feel it too?" Zak confesses time, without hesitation.
I feel my whole face burn up as I stutter awkwardly. "I- uh- well- z-zak... I-" I get very embarrassed and shy.
"It's fine! I know you're a shy person. I'm not pushing you to say anything. But, I want you to know what I'm feeling. I like you." Zak admits.
'This is crazy. I've only known him for a day. Why is he saying this?' I think to myself.
"Zak you barely know me. I could be totally lame for all you know. Why are you saying these things?" I say, avoiding Zak's strong eye contact.
"Trust me, Darryl. You're not lame. You're amazing." Zak says, placing his hand on my waist and leaning his head closer to mine.
"I like you." Zak whispers into my ear one more time, before walking out of the toilets. I watch him leave, I could feel my face heat up as I blush instantly.
I think I like him too..
697 Words <3

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