Chapter 17

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Occasionally I did look behind me to glance over at Zak, and every time I did so he was already looking at me. Admiring every small detail on my face. Wow I had gotten butterflies.
After Physics class, I walked out of the classroom to see Alex standing there, waiting for me. I smiled at him and we both exchanged greetings. Afterwards, Alex and I walked down the corridor. Thankfully, both our classes were in the east wing, meaning we got to walk together pretty far.

Eventually, after a lot of talking and laughing, I had to take a left turn when Alex had to continue walking forward. I waved goodbye to my friend and he smiled back at me.

I began walking down the corridor, eager to get to my next class. I walked close to the left side of the corridor, touching doors and the pegs on the walls as I passed them.

When I finally arrived at my class, food tech, I opened the door to reveal the crowded classroom. The teacher was currently shouting at one of the students. I already knew the student, it was Jeremy Gillies. He was a basketball player who was always rude to everyone except his obnoxious, popular girlfriend: Sarah Tunban. I hated both of them, they are always mean to me and thought of me as less than them since my popularity was very low compared to theirs.

I walked into the classroom and scanned the room, seeing if there was anyone I knew. There was not. Which of course, wasn't really a surprise. I really need to go outside more. Wow.

The teacher looked at me, almost instantly. "Hey! Darryl! Welcome to class. Late.." He says as he raises an eyebrow at me.
"Ah. Sorry about that." I apologise, putting on a sympathetic smile.
"It's fine, it's fine. Just go sit." Mr Shawne says.

I walk down the room, pulling out an empty chair and sitting in it. I look next to me, there sits a smaller male who looks deadly concentrated on every word the teacher is saying.

I search through my pocket to get my pen and my out, just incase I need to take notes. When I reach my pen out my jacket pocket it accidentally slips out of my hand and it falls onto the floor.

The smaller brunette male who sat next to me flinched when he heard the small thud my pen made when it collided with the floor. The brunette leaned down and picked up my pen, then he sat back up and pushed it across the table and onto my notepad. The male did not look at me, he just pushed the pen towards me and then turned his attention back to the teacher.

I picked up my pen and began writing down notes and instructions as the teacher said them. Every now and then, I took a break from writing and looked back up at the teacher to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong. But apart from that, nothing happened in the lesson.

After the bell rung, all the students stood up from their chair and began placing all their belongings back into their rucksacks. I slid my pen back into my pocket and shoved my notepad into my bag.

I tucked my chair in and stood behind it and then turned my attention to the teacher as all the students waited patiently to be dismissed.

"You may all leave now, thanks for the good lesson." Mr Shawne says, pointing at the classroom door, signalling for the students to begin exiting the room.

I walked out of the room and suddenly felt a cold hand grabbing mine. I turned around to see the little brunette who stood next to me in class. He pulled me aside and began talking to me. "Hi." He said. "What's your name?"

I looked at him and responded "I'm Darryl."
"I'm Toby, but my friends call me Tubbo." Tubbo says as he smiled at me.

I held my hand out, waiting for my new friend to shake it. Tubbo took my hand and smiled at me.

I had now officially made a new friend!

Me and Tubbo began walking down the corridor as we chatted and got to know eachother. My next class was Mathematics and so was his so we got to walk the whole way together.

757 Words <3

Thunderstorm. || SKEPHALO FANFICTIONजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें