Chapter 16

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I'm falling for him..
TW: Pills.
I gasp. Although, it's not a gasp of anxiety, it's a gasp of relief. I've finally found someone who makes me happy. But, the question is...

Does Zak feel the same?

A shiver quakes through my bones as the thought takes over my mind. What if Zak only thinks of me as a friend? But then why did he kiss me? And he also asked me on a date? Sooo he does feel the same? Or maybe he's just trying to be nice.

No. Surely, if someone wants to be nice they'll just give you a compliment or something.. not arrange to take you on a date. Not kiss you so passionate and longingly.

Okay. That's it. I need to confess. But, I'll wait for the date. It's soon actually... very soon... I'm nervous, but excited. So, so excited..

The Next Morning,
I woke up that morning, ecstatic. I'm in such a good mood this morning.

I immediately get out of bed and skipped, happily, to my bathroom. I brush my teeth, quickly and then once I'm done I look in the mirror, above the sink, and ruffle my hair a bit. I then go back to my room and begin picking my outfit for the day.

I decide to wear a red short sleeved t-shirt with the words: be you in bold in the bottom left of the shirt. For trousers, I wore black-baggy tracksuit trousers which had multiple big pockets on it.

I look in the mirror and suddenly feel a huge wave of insecurity overload my body. Maybe it's the fact that I'm showing a lot of my arms and I hate how skinny they are..

I let my anxiety and nerves get the best of me and I throw a thin coat over my body. It hangs down to my upper knees and suddenly I feel a-lot more confident and secure.

I pick up my phone from my bedside table and check the time, it reads 07:03, meaning that I have about 27 minutes until I need to be in school. I walk downstairs and nobody is home, just me, myself and I. Always and forever.

I decide to go without breakfast today since I'm too lazy to make some. Instead, I sit on the dining chair and scroll through Twitter aimlessly.

Before I know it, it's already 07:20 and I suddenly feel very anxious. I stand up and shove my phone into my back pocket on my trousers. Then, I walk over to the medical cabinet and take out my anxiety pills again, swallowing two with no hesitation.

I then walk out my front door and begin jogging down the street, to my school. I take deep breathes as I run down multiple streets.

When I finally arrive at school, the hallways are full with many students. I barely know any of them, meaning there all strangers. Meaning, my social anxiety is sky high at the moment.

I carefully brush through the crowds of people, making my way into my classroom. The teacher looks at me as lean against the door and take repetitive deep breathes. Once I noticed my teachers eyes glaring at me, I then look at the classroom to see about 17 students staring at me. Some were giggling, some were pointing and some were just staring blankly at me.

I noticed a familiar face in the large classroom.
A face that I've missed seeing.
A face that I've missed touching.


Our eyes meet and he shoots me a sweet, reassuring smile. I smile back before I look back at the teacher and begin apologising profusely.
"Just sit down." Is the response I get as I see my teacher slightly roll his eyes. I scoff and walk to my seat.

The rest of the lesson really dragged on. Which, I didn't mind since it was Physics and I loved that subject, but I felt distracted the whole time. There was a specific thought that was constantly at the back of my mind, and I felt like it wasn't going anywhere. Of course, the thought was the one and only, Zak.

Wow. He made me feel so happy and excited. His presence was electrifying, and I loved it.

Occasionally I did look behind me to glance over at Zak, and every time I did so he was already looking at me. Admiring every small detail on my face. Wow I had gotten butterflies.
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