Chapter 2

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All three of us stand on the balcony of the shared school building. I stretch my arms over my head and look out at the shadows of the trees. I yawn and then look back at Yuki. From what I can guess, she is probably watching Kaname. Her very own love.

"So, how's he doing tonight, your hero Kaname?" Zero asks, finally breaking the silence. I chuckle.

"Stalker much?" I add my own little remark. Yuki's already blushing face deepens.

"W-what?! I wasn't looking only at Kaname!" She says lying through her teeth. To make her point she runs over to the edge of the balcony and looks at the school grounds.

"Yes, yes. Everyone in the night class is behaving, oh and there are no day class students out either! Good!" She says making a huge deal.

"Really?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah!" she smiles and puts her hands on her hips. "It's nice and quiet. No problems with the schools discipline!" She says finally getting somewhat over that little spaz attack. I grin.

Out of the blue, Zero decides to change the current topic, causing Yuki and I to look up at him in confusion.

"The Headmaster...he talks about the Night Class as if they're all so good. Like they're vampires who actually support his pacifism." I notice that as he's speaking, he's looking directly at me and though I normally divert my gaze from his, I can't bring myself to do so this time. Continuing from where he left off, Zero then speaks to Yuki but keeps his eyes on me.

"I don't trust them and I won't ever let my guard down around them either." Unable to respond, she turns away from him but I can feel a deep sadness overtaking her as she's no doubt replaying his words over and over again in her head.

In an attempt to soothe his anger, I look down and touch Zero's fingers, silently telling him I'm here for him. As our fingers linger against each other, I feel myself lightly blush at the warmth radiating from his touch. Yet his hands have always been cold.

"If you believe that, why do you cooperate without saying anything?" Yuki covers her mouth, but she can't take back what she just said. Zero lets my fingers go and I can feel him anger a bit.

"I told you. I'm cooperating so I can find the most effective way to kill those beasts in human form." He turns and walks away. I glance at Yuki and then follow him out.

"I'll patrol inside." He says.

"Wait let me go with you." I say walking behind him. Even if he said 'no' I still would have gone so I didn't really have to tell him. We leave Yuki behind. If only I could split into two people and help them both when they fight.

I glance at Zero. "You haven't changed a bit." I mention. He looks at me then.

"What do you mean by that?" He asks me. I shake my head.

"Never mind." I say putting my hands on top of my head.

Yuki and I both know that all vampires aren't exactly good, but Yuki still believes so I have to too. Maybe Yuki and I had parents that were attacked by evil vampires. It's just a guess though so I'm not really sure. It was four years ago when both of us met Zero for the first time. . .

Both Yuki and I hear a knock at the door. Our babysitter wasn't around so Yuki and I went to check who it was.

"Alondra it might be the Headmaster, but I'm not sure so stay behind me okay?" Yuki says to me. I nod my head, but I don't actually listen to her. She opens the door and I stay in open view to see who it was.

There he was. Zero had a large brown coat on him, it must have been the Headmaster's, I'd never seen it. I noticed the blood, but I didn't think too much about it. I stared at him.

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