Chapter 37

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"Hey this is a very serious breach of manners!" Touma says as he finishes coughing up blood. Bats become Kaname as Touma looks up at him. Touma's little girl companion goes to check on him.

"An actual direct attack to our castle is the same as a declaration of war. Or don't tell me you didn't know such an important thing? Huh, young mister 'leader of our people'?" Touma mocks Kaname even though he is injured. Kaname doesn't answer or move.

After a moment Kaname walks over to a smiling Touma. Kaname reaches a hand to Touma's chin.

"What?" Touma asked.

"They are used to everything being so easy, so they needed a taste of bitter medicine. That's why I won't do more to you than this one last hit." Kaname tells Touma.

Blood taints the floor.


"Please let me in! You need my blood!" Yuki pleads banging at the door. Even if she broke the door the barrier I made with Blue Rose will take hours before it breaks.

"No! The blood tablets are enough!" I yell trying to make my voice sound angry and not in pain.

"I'm so hungry. My throat is so dry. Zero I want your blood so much!" I plead in my mind. The pain and hunger have caused me to cry. I'm trying so hard not to sob, but it hurts so much.

"No. I don't want his blood!" I argue outloud with myself.

"It's a good thing you didn't take his blood." I open my eyes wide. I turn slowly to find Kaname in my room.

"How did you get in here?" I say omniously with a deadly glare at him.

"I'm here to give you your punishment." He says approaching the bed. I start to laugh like a mad woman.

"Trust me nothing you do will make this pain in my heart worse." I say gasping for breath. Feeling my hunger stir.

His fangs plunge into my neck before I can even realize what's going on. "So your making me even hungrier. Fitting punishment." I say as he takes in big gulps of my blood. I start to feel lightheaded, but I try to stay conscious.

"I am not going to die. No matter what. This is my punishment." I say feeling my feels so light. I can't move at all from all the blood loss. He pulls his fangs out as Yuki runs in.

"Oniisama?! What are you doing to her?!" Yuki yells. 

"I'm not actually your brother." My eyes open wide in shock at Kaname's sudden confession. He lifts me up in his arms, and Yuki is left frozen.

"I don't understand." Yuki says still stunned. "Why would you say such a thing?" Yuki follows after us.

"Ever since we've grown up, Oniisama, I feel that you're always hiding some part of yourself. I feel like Alondra knew, but wouldn't tell me." I close my eyes. I couldn't stay conscious anymore.

Kaname carries Alondra down some steps with Yuki following behind him. "The world you see is different from the one I see." Kaname tells her. "And that's precisely why. . ." They make it to the room where Yuki was not allowed in. The underground mausoleum.

"What did you do to my precious girl?" The other Kaname asks as he sees the unconscious girl. Yuki hides behind Kaname and gasps as the other Kaname takes Alondra into his arms, and carries her with him into a far corner. He talks like a mad man and touches the girl's face.

"Wh-who is he? Why does he look like you?!" Yuki asks scared to even approach the other Kaname holding Alondra in his arms.

"That is your real older brother. Well whats left of him." Kaname answers as the door closes behind them.

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