6. A Meeting With The Governor

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A/n: To all those who read my fanfiction, I am very much grateful to all you for clicking my book!!! I hope you can support me until this book is completed! :)

A/n: To all those who read my fanfiction, I am very much grateful to all you for clicking my book!!! I hope you can support me until this book is completed! :)

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James wanted badly to go back to England and live there again but he knew that leaving the country had been the best decision after Voldemort suddenly vanished since loyal death eaters may be the ones who would do their best to harm his children

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James wanted badly to go back to England and live there again but he knew that leaving the country had been the best decision after Voldemort suddenly vanished since loyal death eaters may be the ones who would do their best to harm his children. His family had already been in danger due to a prophecy but they were still attacked in Godric's Hollow.

Thankfully, he's slowly able to adapt to Elven Island in their short but very worthwhile journey inside the human settlement inside Féth Fiada. The town's called Andenor City since it was the name of the first wizard who arrived on the island. The whole town looked lively with kids playing with small dragons, and also, females were chatting happily outside their huts.

James was able to observe that there were lots of entertainment halls in the town, too. Meanwhile, the female elves who were with them chose to take the twins and Lily first to the white manor that was chosen by Queen Rowyna herself wherein they can rest. He also knew that he was the representative of the family since he was the head of the Potter Household on the elven island and as the representative, he had to show and introduce himself to the chief of Andenor City. They separated at the intersection on the road after that.

Lily kissed him before the elves take her and their children to the house chosen for them. The couple didn't want to leave each other or separate but they knew they had to learn to adapt to a world where they weren't going to be hunted or need to fight. James watched his family leave him for a bit while to say hello and introduce himself to the governor. "They'll be fine, right? I'm sure they're going to be safe here. We ran out here so I can protect my family. It was a shock to me when we heard from a seer in Hogwarts that our children were prophesied to do something huge but I don't know what it could be. I want to see another seer if there are seers here to know if my children were truly meant to become something I can't imagine."

"That's understandable. I can take you to a seer after you meet Governor Ulfhild," he replied to him. "Do not worry about your family as they will be safe here."

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