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From a friend, the piece of paper reads.

I pass the paper paper back to Rick, wanting to get those words out of sight. Many have claimed to be friends and I won't start to believe them now, even if they do have water to sweeten the deal.

Two jugs, twelve bottles. It's all grouped together in the middle of the road for us to fine, with that little note attached to it. Whoever this person is saw a weakness, and they're using that to their advantage— good or bad, I don't like they're using it.

"What else are we gonna do?" Tara wonders, wanting to give in, yet she still has her finger hovering over the trigger of her gun. She wants to trust them, but she doesn't.

"Not this. We don't know who left it." Responds Rick, eyes scanning the trees around us for the culprit. I already know he won't find them.

"If that's a trap, we already happen to be in it." Eugene comments, seriously staring down water lying there for us. "But I, for one, would like to think it is indeed from a friend."

"What if it isn't? They put something in it?" Carol counters back.

"I don't think they did." I speak out loud, all eyes now on me. I shift awkwardly under the spotlight. "If they wanted to kill us, they would have done it by now. This is a test or something."

Eugene takes action— a stupid action, but one nonetheless. He surges forward and grabs a bottle of water. I roll my eyes.

"That doesn't mean I think you should drink it, Eugene." I call out to him, but he's hellbent on getting that water. He probably would have gotten it no matter what I said.

"Quality insure, simple as that." He deadpans, unscrewing the cap.

Before he can take a sip, Abraham slaps the bottle out of his hand. It bursts into a puddle on the pavement. Abraham returns to his spot in our circle wordlessly. After everything, he's still protecting Eugene.

"We can't." Rick tells Eugene, tells all of us. Eugene looks down as he returns to Tara's side.

I feel drop of something on my forehead. I wipe it away, think it's only sweat, but then it happens again. The thunder rumbling overhead proves me wrong. I look up to the gray sky in anticipation. It hasn't rained in months.

All at once, rain begins to fall. I glance at Glenn and he's staring up at the sky in awe, a smile forming on his face. I find one getting onto mine, as well. My hand finds Glenn's, or Glenn's finds mine, but either way they end up together.

WHEN THEY COME, glenn rhee² Where stories live. Discover now