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Despite the brightness of the sun and the urgency to finish the task, I can't shake my drowsiness.

Rest hadn't come easy to me the night before. I found myself hauled up at the infirmary until ungodly hours, reading through medical textbooks about pregnancy and double ear-infections— the kid Pete treated has an infection that is nothing if not persistent. Glenn had to come drag me home, but even then I couldn't get a second of shut eye.

There was a lot going on. Too much. The herd, Deanna's degrading state, and the weight of the entire community resting on my shoulders. I never asked for this, but this is where I am. I'll deal with it the best I know how, but I'm afraid my best won't be good enough. Not even Tara's pep talks can help me now.

I wrap a bandage around the man's finger with a sigh. The man— Sturgess— had a gnarly run in with his own knife. I try not to show my annoyance for his little injury, but my exhaustion makes that a difficult feat.

"Should be good as long as you keep it clean. Change the bandage every couple hours, but it should heal up in a few days," I tell him, already packing up my first aid kit.

"Thank you." He says, his voice still sounding as young as he is. Now I feel like an asshole for thinking of him as gum on my shoe.

"Don't mention it," I wave him off, "Just watch yourself around that knife of yours, okay?"

"I'll try." Sturgess smiles. He looks at his new bandage for a moment, and then soon wanders off to continue on his work.

I look me at all the Alexandrian's coming together. This place is still tense, divided between supports of Rick and people that want to see him kicked out. Deanna would never allow that to happen now, but it's still concerning to know my friend's public opinion is rocky, at best.

The plan out here is to build a wall on one of the road's turns. In theory, the quarry's herd will roam down this road and bounce off the wall, keeping them on-track. I should probably be more worried about how it will all play out, but I'm far beyond worrying over walkers. I've got living peoples lives to stress over now.

The slight brush of skin against my shoulder makes me flinch, and I immediately feel horrible about it once I see who it is.

"Shit, sorry. I'm sorry." I tell him, avoiding his worried eyes that seem to look into my soul.

"It's fine. What's wrong?" Glenn asks. For a second, he starts to reach out again, but he quickly abandons the idea.

"Nothing, I'm just..." I can't think of the right word to describe the overwhelming weight pressing down on me, "There's a lot going on and I didn't sleep well last night. I'll be fine."

WHEN THEY COME, glenn rhee² Where stories live. Discover now