Two Hearts

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Yoon Se Ri

My cellphone rings for the third time already this morning. I missed the first two because I was taking a bath. Still in my bathrobe, I answer the call. My boyfriend.

"Oppa, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was in the shower."

"It's okay. I'm just in a hurry. I will be away for a few days for training outside the base." It's not unusual for him to be away for training.

"Yes. Okay. Is there something you need from your house? I can get it for you."

"Nothing, baby. There's one thing though. About... our plan to meet my parents. Is it okay if Jeong Hyeok drives you this weekend? I'm going to see you there?"

When I met the gentleman on the road side around three months ago, I would never think that he was the Captain they all been waiting for. I had to retract my statement that he probably the most arrogant men around. Because he was so far from it.

Captain, or Ri Jeong Hyeok, as his brother introduced him, is the most military man I'd ever known. Like, he embodies the profession. He's a law abiding officer. He walks through the given line. Always. That's my observation from my limited interaction with him anyway, because we never really have a conversation.

Despite living around the same area as Mu Hyeok, it's not often I see him around. But, he's my boyfriend's brother, so I have to get used to him. I think.

"It's fine, Oppa. Does your brother know about it?"

"Yes, I've talked to him. He said he'd message you."

"Okay, Oppa. Stay safe, okay? I'll miss you."

"Miss you too, baby. See you on weekend."

I met Ri Mu Hyeok almost a year ago when I started getting order from the air base to plan their event. I didn't notice him right away. He was not your typical fighter pilot per se. He was more the boy next door type.

I noticed him the first time when their group chatted near where I sat. He was not the star of the show – that was Ace – but every time he talked, everyone tuned to him. He was soft spoken. And he smiled a lot. A very nice smile.

I didn't know who he was until my second event about two months after. This time he was my contact on the base. I never knew what happened to the previous guy, Mu Hyeok only said he was my contact from there on out.

Little did I know that was all his play to isolate me from other pilots. I finally heard this story when he took me to Ace's house for our second date.

"He didn't tell you? Let me a tell you a story, Se Ri-ssi. This guy, you may see him as harmless, all smiley kind of guy, but he's as alpha as they come."

Then he told me how Mu Hyeok - or Mash as they called him - told everyone in beginning to give up. Because...

"Don't bother guys, she's mine." From the first moment he saw me. I turned to him questioning "Really?" He smirked and nodded.

That time I only laughed. But I could see that he really liked me. And he was serious.

I fell in love with him as organic as can be. Easy. Just like how it was supposed to be. By the time our relationship passed four months, he said I love you. It's only natural that I say I love him too.

It's our eighth month together, and a few weeks ago, Mu Hyeok said he wanted to introduce me to his parents. So we plan to visit them in Seoul this weekend. Like everything in this relationship, it just feels right to get to know his parents this time around.

Mu Hyeok himself already visited my parents' home last month. Along with Ri Jeong Hyeok as well. He was coming to Mu Hyeok's house that time and we couldn't possibly tell him to go home. So we glanced at each other and invited him to come.

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