Flash of Life

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Ri Jeong Hyeok

"Don't. Fanboy, get out of there. You have no path there, that J-20 will be hot on your tail in no time." I speak to the channel directing Ju Meok of what to do. I shouldn't be doing this. This is not my task at all.

But some of the fighter pilots are having their first experiences on the battlefield, and their references come only from the training they did on base or joint trainings.

When I first flew for combat mission that time in Misawa, my experience in reconnaissance came in handy and it helped me a lot to identify the situation in the air. And I had Hyung with me, whispering everything in my ear.

"What do you see, Captain?" Point Man asks from behind me. I temporarily remove the headpiece and turn to talk to him. "We need to regroup. And devise some counter attack plans. These J-20s will isolate the airspace in no time in current situation."

"I agree. Do it. Call off all of our aircrafts and call for an emergency briefing." I nod and put back my headpiece on to talk to the all of the pilots. Then I head to the USAF command room to inform them our move. They agree to follow our move and will join the briefing.

The Commanders lead the briefing in which we agree to change our approach. All of the pilots start to disperse to prepare for the next battle when Ace and Terius drag me to the nearest corner.

"Damn it, Captain. We need you out there." Ace tells me urgently. Terius only stands with his arm crossed in front of his chest. I know the situation calls for it and that I am needed in the air, but I am not the boss here.

"Talk to the colonel, if he gives the okay, I'll suit up." Terius doesn't say anything just breaks his pose then walks up to Point Man. Ace and I observe from our position as they look at our direction and talk some more.

"Captain, go suit up. They need you more than I do." Point Man orders. "Yes, Sir." I salute him then goes to the living quarter to suit up. On the way, I ask the maintenance crew to prepare Birdie and I stop by the telephone.

Shit. I need to tell someone that I'll fly. And I don't think I can tell Se Ri or my mother. I can already imagine their reactions. My father is the only option so I call his number immediately.


"Abeoji, this is Jeong Hyeok. I don't have much time, just want to tell you I'm needed up in the air. Probably I can't call you or Eomeoni or Se Ri in the next several days."

My father is silent across the phone. "Hello, Abeoji?"

"The order is still the same." He finally says. I smile and saluting him from where I stand.

"Yes, Sir."

"And... your request has been finalized."

I grin. What a great news. "Thank you, Abeoji. Can't wait to fly home."

At exactly 1600 that day, I position myself in the cockpit. "Nice to see you again, Birdie." I speak to the bird before I put on my oxygen mask. I taxi out from the runway and join other jets in the contested airspace.

"Glad you join us up here, Captain." Ace's voice welcomes me in the air. I chuckle lightly. "I think I enjoy ordering you from the ground better, Boss."

"Eyes on the prize, Gents. Before Point Man taking Captain out from the line up once again. He is highly sought after currently." Terius breaks out our playful bickering.

"Lead us, Commander."

And we disperse in the open sky.


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