Long Distance

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Hi lovelies ❤️

Sending hugs and kisses to all of who have read, voted, and commented on Sky High✈️ 20k reads and counting, thank you so much! Enjoy 8k-ish words on this chapter and tell me what you think in the comments section!

⚠️ mature content at the back end of the story ⚠️

Til next!


Yoon Se Ri

If we're being honest, all the pain and the hurt and the obstacles we face in this relationship will make anyone run the other way.

Is there love that is worth suffering through all that?

Had it not been for Ri Jeong Hyeok, I will definitely say no. How can I love someone knowing it will hurt myself in the process?

But it's Ri Jeong Hyeok.

Even if I run the other way, I know he'll just stay where he is and wait for me. Like how he waited for me in columbarium the first time I visited Hyun Ki. Like how he loved me all these years even when I wasn't his to love.

Imagine enduring that kind of pain. But patience and perseverance are undeniably two of Ri Jeong Hyeok's finest qualities. Anyone can say I love you, but patiently waiting and proving it to be true are not in everyone's alley.

If I run the other way, I know he'll be back to loving me from afar, he's so good at that like my mother said. But I have to agree with him, he's so much better at loving me at closer range.

Now, he's in front of me. Asking me to marry him.

When we finally took the leap and decided to be with each other, we knew this was for a long time. Possibly forever.

And then we have that dream. The dream of being together forever. A dream that have become our strength. Because we want it so much, we're gonna will it to become our reality.

It's the end we strive for.

I figure the steps will be like this: sorting things out with our parents, dating for a while – optional of course – then proposal and marriage.

Of course, me being a woman – and a planner – already pictures how my dream proposal will be like. A perfect set up where Jeong Hyeok cooks for us, my favorite flowers decorate the room. And a ring.

The most beautiful ring. One that has my birth stone at the center of it.

So hearing him uttered the proposal under this circumstances... it was a blow to my romantic heart at first. How about my perfect set up? Surely, I deserve more than a proposal out of desperation?

But then the more logical part of my brain knocks in and asking me only one question.

Is a dream proposal important now, Yoon Se Ri?

Knowing Jeong Hyeok, he must be thinking by getting married he can protect me better, shielding me from any pain.

And it will be so easy to say yes to his proposal. I want to close my ears and not hearing any sound. That's how much I love him.

But the sounds bug me. Especially when it comes from within.

I'm not that selfish. What about his mother?

His mother's overt rejection over our relationship hurts. Probably more because I am blindsided. I thought everything was fine. Apparently not. Does Jeong Hyeok really ready to break his mother's heart? Does he really? Do I want him to do that?

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