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Hi lovelies ❤️

So, I split the updates into two parts to avoid the chapter being too long and lose the focus of the story. It's the first time I write more than 10,000 words of story, so wow, I really feel my head is smoked 🤯

For me, this one is so heartbreaking 💔 I need to stop writing it and seek for distraction (you know who you are! Thank you!). So I'm there with you all in terms of pain 🙈

Thank you for reading, voting, commenting and interacting with me! As usual, that's the highlight of this experience.

Enjoy the story, let's share the pain!



Yoon Se Ri

I've been meaning to send a care package for the boys in Japan. But I am so busy - with the gala last week and the gathering this week, not to mention the therapy - I almost forget. It will take two to three weeks for the package to arrive there, I think Dan said last week. She rarely sends anything.

"I've put everything he may need in his duffel. He'll tell me if he needs something else."

But I happily prepare the packages. I prepare a box for Mu Hyeok thoughtfully. I don't want to give him too much hope but I don't want him to think that I don't care. Because I still care. I put inside his favorite snacks, his favorite t-shirt and a tube of sunscreen. That has to be enough.

I write a short note for him. Giving him an inch more.


How are you? I hope you're well.
I want to tell you that I'm seeing a therapist. I want to be able to talk to you once you're back.

Please, stay safe.
Se Ri

Once I fold the paper, I put it inside the box and neatly wrap it.

Now, now. What should I prepare for Jeong Hyeok? I try to remember his favorite things and habits. Coffee, running - I wonder if he still follow his routine when he's on a mission - and books. I saw him reading on many occasions around the house.

Coffee... coffee... I try to remember what brand he brings to the house. To no avail, of course. I never took attention to his coffee when he was my housemate. Who do I call for this?

His mother. Eomeonim has to know her son' favorite coffee, right? I dial in my mother in law's number. "Hello, Eomeonim, it's Se Ri."

"Se Ri-ah, how are you doing? The boys told me you stayed with your parents for the time being?"

"You talk to them, Eomeonim? How are they?" Mu Hyeok has been calling me but...

"They're good. Jeong Hyeok is so excited because this is his first mission. Mu Hyeok is a little subdued but probably just missing you." Ouch. That last bit feels like a stab even when I know Eomeonim doesn't mean like that.

"I miss them, too. It's just... he always calls after 11, right, Eomeonim? Most of the time I already asleep." Good excuse, Yoon Se Ri. I hear my mother in law laughs.

"You're right. They always call me near midnight. I already condition myself for their call, but I'd tell them to call you as early as they can." I laugh and thank her.

"Eomeonim, I want to send a care package for your sons. For Mu Hyeok, I already know what he likes. But for Jeong Hyeok... I know he loves coffee. But I can't remember what brand. Do you know his favorite brand?"

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