Don't Dream It's Over

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Ri Jeong Hyeok

"Morning, baby." I kiss Se Ri's forehead softly just like I do every morning when I wake up. She doesn't stir like she used to, but it's okay. I caress her head lovingly before preparing to go to work.

"I'll see you at lunch, Yoon Se Ri. I miss you and I love you, baby." I say my goodbye to her before leaving her this morning.

I close the door to the room and sigh from beyond it. It's the tenth day and already I'm on the verge of another breakdown. All this silence from her, and I feel like I want shake her so hard and force her to talk.

Although there is vast difference in the situation, I think I know now what Hyung felt in those days. Yeah, not so fun.

"Give her time. She needs time." Everyone said, even the doctor. Yeah, I know she needs time. And I'll give it to her. All the time in the world. As long as she comes back to me. Or not.

I'll wait for her. However long it takes.

I walk the short distance to the parking lot and call my mother to check in with her.

"Good morning, Eomeoni."

"Morning, Jeong Hyeok-ah."

"Everything okay? I'm on my way to the base."

"Don't worry about us, we're fine. How is Se Ri?"

I inhale deeply. "Still the same. I miss her. I miss her so much, Eomeoni."

"Oh, I know, Jeong Hyeok-ah. I know. Hang in there, Son. She'll come around."

"I know and I can't wait for that time to come. See you later, Eomeoni, I'll drop by before lunch like usual."

Going to work in this situation may seem impossible but work is the only allotted time I have to center myself. The only time I allow myself to think about something outside that's been going on at home.

I spend the morning drowning in the work; attending the morning briefing session, weekly meeting with USAF representative then reviewing the latest reconnaissance mission report submitted by my subordinate.

"Captain, you have time?" A knock on the door breaks my concentration. My direct supervisor, Point Man, looks in from the door.

"Sure." I stand up to follow him but he shakes his head and enters my office.

"It's okay. I just want to ask how you're doing." He says as he sits on the chair in front of my desk. This reminds me of how Terius or Ace will check on me. I'm pretty lucky to have great supervisors.

"I'm fine, Sir. Thank you for asking."

"What happened to your wife is unfortunate." Calling what happened with Se Ri unfortunate might be... fitting. The signs are all there.

The overflowing happiness that envelops us for many months before should've been enough sign that we are due for some doses of reality. Or maybe this is just my time.

I've brought so many heartbreaks to her that I may have to pay it back sooner or later. And God decides now is the time.

"Yeah, maybe." I settle with that response.

"Are you sure you don't want to submit leave request?"

"It's manageable, Sir. I have my mother helping me. I'll need to take leave once everything is better with Se Ri."

Point Man nods and stands up from his seat. "Tell me if you need anything."

I nod. "Thank you."

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