Elsewhere : Haunted But Homesick

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Finally ...

After getting the kids ready and sending them with him to play, she quietly snuck into bed, holding two little notebooks close to her chest. With her free hand, she pulled the covers up and over her legs. She opened the notebook in which she had scribbled the poem in that morning, to read it again.

Voices started ringing in her head again.

Here we go again.

Do you really have to do this to yourself ?

What do you want to know ?

Or is this about what you are feeling ?

He's gone ... Gone ...

Her lips had started trembling. Tears welled up in her eyes at the word 'Gone'.


Why did it feel like her heart was being weighed down by that one word ?

She felt the hot tears trailing down her cheeks. They smudged the ink of her neat letters. She closed the book and put both the books away. Gently, she lowered herself in bed and started sobbing into her pillow.

Why ? Why did I've to fall in love with him ? Just why ? Fuck me for falling in love with the best person that ever happened to me ! Just fucking why did I've to fall in love with him ?

She pounded the pillows in frustration.

Urgh ! Why did you have to be so charming ? Urgh !

And why did I've to be stupid and fall in love with him ?

Just why ...

The pounding slowed. She buried her face into the wet pillow and pulled the covers close. Her breathing was ragged and her cries were as silent as ever.

It hurts ...

Unexpectedly, she drifted off to sleep.

C'mon. Pick up.

She must have dialed his number more than a dozen times. There was no answer.


Still no answer.


The vibrating phone stole her attention away for a few minutes from the chill of the waiting room.


Her voice was shaky as she uttered it.


'Listen, I'm here ...'

'Here where ?'

She swallowed; she felt the pounding of her heart.


'Fuck. Okay, tell me where.'

She quietly explained where she was to him, trying to contain her excitement.

'That's near. Wait. I'll come see you. Wait for me, okay ?'


'Token number thirty nine, Thamrah Rakesh.'

She stepped out into the not so dim alleyway. She was trembling. She could not tell if it was because of excitement or nervousness. She felt her heart pound.

C'mon. Where are you ?

Her phone started vibrating again.

'Thamrah, where are you ?'

Thamrah edged towards the main road.

'Over here. No ! Not there ! Over here !'

Her eyes grew wide as she saw the boy she had hopelessly fallen in love with.

'Christopher ! Look ! Over here ! Look, I'm over here !'

For The Better, For You : With Love, Thamrah.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu