Back Home : Remember Her

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Almost there !

His hair whipped his forehead as Christopher sped his way to the chosen rendezvous. Nervous as he was a out the scenario, he couldn't help but be happy, thinking about his friends.

Those five meant the world to him.

Zayyed. Sourav. Akhila. Isobelle. Nihan.

The best people that had happened to him ever since he came to India for schooling.

Perfect !

That's what he thought of them.


The sound of the policeman's whistle made Christopher slow his bike as he approached the signal. The road was crowded - packed with all kinds of vehicles. Christopher could not help but smile at the crowded road.

Suddenly, his pocket seemed vibrate. Christopher dug into his jeans pocket and pulled out his phone.


Christopher answered the call, to Zayyed's questions and Sourav's abusive yells behind him.

'Daa ! Nee eppozha varunne ?'
(Dude ! When will you come ?)

'Njaan ippo ethum.'
(I'll be there now.)

'Enna sheri. Varumbol kaanam.'
(Okay then. See you when you get here.)

Christopher, smiling, pushed his phone into his pocket and started his bike and the traffic began to move. He sped away again, to the beach.

Parking his lady once he had reached the beach, Christopher made his way towards the sea, his eyes on a search mission. And then ...

He saw them.

And a smile was on his face.

Zayyed had his feet in the water, his pants were rolled up and opposite him stood Sourav - looking down, a DSLR in his hands. Akhila stood with her back to Zayyed, holding hands with a laughing Isobelle who tried to hit back at Nihan, by splashing the salty water at him.

Whatever would I do without them ?

As if they had read his thoughts, Zayyed and Sourav looked up, right at Christopher. They broke into grins as they happily nudged the rest to Christopher's presence.

Akhila lunged at Christopher. It was difficult for her to run with the wet sand and water swirling at her feet but she did, stumbling along the way.
Christopher smiled as she hugged him and he patted her back when he returned the hug.

Nihan, Isobelle, Sourav and Zayyed made their way up to them - all barefoot with rolled up jeans.

Akhila spoke.

'We'll move ?'

She was met with jubilant answers from the rest.

'YES !'

The group hurried back to their bikes and rode off, in search of a place they could sit, talk and eat. Luckily for them, they found a place.
'So you're telling us that Stephin is over, he's throwing shades around and you want to be out till his family leaves ?'
Zayyed had popped the question after Christopher explained the scenario at home, to them.
'Yeah. It's fucked up.'
'It'll be okay.', returned Akhila brightly, through the bites of pazhompori.
Suddenly, Nihan spoke, his words catching their attention.
'I would like to go for a road trip.'
He stopped and then added. 'To Bangalore.'
Sourav immediately spat out his hot tea and looked up. Christopher's eyes widened. So did Zayyed's. Akhila and Isobelle gaped.
She broke the silence.
'Is this one of the crazy stuff you're planning to do before you ...'
The last words were swallowed.
Christopher knew why.
Nihan looked uncomfortable but he answered, low voiced.
'Vaapikku vaiyya. Enik vere vazhi illa.'
(Father isn't well. I don't have another way.)
Christopher, Zayyed and Sourav exchanged glances. They knew Nihan's story. They barely spoke of it in front of him, but discussed it amongst themselves in his absence. It weighed down on their hearts. This time, however, the glances had come to a silent agreement.
The road trip was ... ON.
'It's okay. We'll brave this together.', said Sourav, patting Nihan on the back.
'You mean, I'll brave it alone.', quietly responded Nihan, his head down.
'What does it matter ? We've been together for two years now. Just cause you're going away to the Gulf for work doesn't mean you won't see us again.', added Akhila.
'I know, but -', started Nihan but Isobelle cut him short.
'Whatever it is, we'll be here. Just like we promised.'
Everyone fell silent.
Christopher, unable to bear the silence, walked away from his friends, grabbed another plastic chair, sat down and pulled out his phone.

Nihan, ithokke namakku sheri aakaam.
(Nihan, we'll fix this.)

Nihan hailed from a very poor family. He managed to get admitted - through a scholarship - to the school where Christopher and Sourav crossed paths with Zayyed, Isobelle and Akhila.

Nihan had lost his mother seven months after his birth. He was the only child. And his father was sickly. Money was always a problem.
But they never minded the fact. In fact, Nihan's father had once told Zayyed that Nihan had been the happiest ever since he met them.
And he had been theirs since then.
Christopher felt upset about Nihan leaving. His heart sunk. Hoping to distract himself, he tapped the Instagram icon.

The first post in his newsfeed sent a stab of pain through him.

The picture showed a girl of seventeen. Her skin was bronzed, her dimples showed as she laughed. Her dark eyes laughed too. And her short curly hair drifted about her face.
The caption was the worst part of it.

It's been six months since you went missing, I miss you, Thamrah. I wish you would come back, best friend. No one will ever have your place here.

'Guys, we're going to Bangalore.'

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