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Christopher fled the table and hurried into the house. Once he reached the hall, he slowed his pace and inhaling deeply, went upstairs to his room. As soon as he reached his room, Christopher dropped himself on the edge of the bed.
Christopher could not make out the meaning of the commotion that had taken place over the dinner table.
Apparently, the tables had been turned on Stephin. Christopher was in a state of severe confusion, under the influence of which he absent mindedly went downstairs to the hall.
There, he witnessed another bizarre scene which addled his brains altogether.
Stephin stood there, intently staring at Christopher. Christopher stared back, blankly.
Merlin came in. She was closely followed by Natasha, who came in with a furious expression on her face.
What came next stunned everyone in the hall, including Christopher.
Natasha walked over to Stephin and looked at him in the eye.

'So, you want to pick on my brother, huh ?'

Stephin had not the opportunity to answer, because, the next second, Natasha's hand was in the air and she slapped him. Stephin stumbled, Merlin gasped. Christopher stood still, trying to process all the happenings.
Natasha's voice was low and furious.

'Naayinte mwone !'
(Son of a dog !)

Merlin heard it. She grew angry and stepped forward but she was no match for Natasha in all her fury.

'Podi ....'
(Get lost, you ...)

Merlin got the message. She took a step back and ran out, to the backyard.
While Stephin stood there - stunned - Natasha pushed past him and grabbing Christopher by his arm, took him upstairs to his room. She made him sit on his bed.
Christopher had not yet snapped out of his daze.

'Christopher ?'

Natasha's voice was now soft. She seemed to be worried about Christopher's dazed condition.

'Yeah ?'

'You okay ?'

'I ... I don't know.'

'It's okay. Sleep now.'

'Uh huh.'

'C'mon now.'

Christopher slowly crawled into bed. He suddenly felt tired and feebly, his hands searched for the covers.
Natasha gently pulled the covers to Christopher's chin and tucked him in.

'Good night, brother dear. I've got this.'

Christopher mumbled and turned around in his bed.
Natasha stood a while, watching Christopher. Then, with perfect stealth she left the room after switching off the lights.
Making her way downstairs Natasha found herself facing her drunk father, tear-stricken mother, a stunned Stephin, an afraid Merlin and the sleepy Mr. and Mrs. George.
Natasha forced herself to look at her parents. She did not smile. She merely muttered 'Good night.' and went to her room, plunging the house into complete silence.

Christopher's eyes snapped open suddenly. He sat up in bed and looked around.

How in the world did I get here ?

Struggling to keep his eyes open, Christopher looked at the digital alarm clock, which sat on his bedside table. The time read 04:30.

The fuck ? How did I wake up so early ? Damn, Zayyed and Sourav will fuck me for sure if they ever knew ! Ohh well, I suppose I can sleep some more.

With that, Christopher dropped back into bed again. After a while, he woke up again. This time, however, three hours had passed. Christopher forced himself to leave his bed and to get himself in order.
After getting himself ready, Christopher went downstairs - only to be greeted by stranger things.
The table had not yet been laid. Surprised, Christopher went to the kitchen, only to see his mother and Natasha talking quietly.
Christopher's swallowed.
His mother's face was streaked with tears, her eyes were still pouring the tears out. Meanwhile, Natasha looked solemn.
Christopher quietly looked on. Suddenly, his mother and Natasha looked up. Natasha threw a look at their mother and quickly moved away. Their mother beckoned Christopher towards her. He went over to her, only to see her eyes fill up even more.
Christopher was at loss for words. He had never seen his mother cry and now, the sight of tears stirred something inside him.
Mummy, please.

'Chris ?'

'Mummy ?'

'Ennodu shamikku mone.'
(Forgive me, son.)

NO !
Mummy, what're you saying?

His mother hung her head.

'I should have been wiser. I'm sorry for all this. Forgive me for being ignorant.'

No, mummy ! Never ignorant !
His mother went on.

'Natasha explained everything to me. I understand. And don't worry about anything. I'll help take care of the rest.'

Christopher flung his arms around his mother. He did not want her to apologise to him. She was not at fault here. She hugged him in return, in a rather awkward manner. Gently patting him on the back, she pulled away and smiling, asked him to go to the dining table.

'Don't worry, the food will there in a while.'

'But, mummy -'

Christopher knew he sounded like a spoilt five year but, at that moment, he didn't care. His mother smiled, despite her wet eyes.

'Go now.'

She kissed him the cheek and tried to send him to the dining table but he refused and instead helped her cook breakfast. Joined by Natasha, the three of gossiped away happily as they heaped dosas on a plate.
A sound at the kitchen door made them fall silent. They turned around, only to see Stephin and Merlin with their mother. Mrs. Jonas nodded at her children who quietly walked out. Stephin and Merlin followed them.
They heard Mrs. Jonas ...

'It's about time we had a talk.'

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