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Christopher and Natasha managed to bring up the BBQ machine up the stairs and to the dining room. It had been quite a task for them to bring it up. Their mother addressed them the moment she set eyes on it.
'What're you planning to do ?'
'BBQ !'
Natasha grinned.
'Who ? You both ?'
Their mother threw back her head and laughed. Christopher and Natasha noted their mother's high cheekbones and her deep dimples. There was no doubting where they had acquired theirs from.
'Yes, mummy.'
Natasha's voice was sweeter than a melted Hersheys bar. Or so it seemed to Christopher.
'Well, don't damage it. That's all I've to say.'
'We won't, mummy. You can trust us.'
Natasha gave their mother a kiss on the cheek and quickly - with Christopher's help - moved the BBQ machine out, to the backyard.
'All done.', said Christopher as they set it in place.
'Are you crazy ? Who'll cook ?'
Natasha looked at him as if he had lost it.
Christopher's eyes grew wide.
'C'mon, seriously ?'
'Well ...'
'Well ?'
'Well ...'
'Well ?'
'Well ...'
'Damn it Nat. Tell me already !'
'Well ...'
Natasha was enjoying it.
Christopher raised an eyebrow.
Natasha laughed.
'Okay okay, well, you know, we could poison those idiots.'
It was Christopher's turn to laugh.
'Damn, you're so evil.'
'I know !'
'Hehe. We don't want them dying in on us.'
'Fuck no, Chris.'
'Better not let mummy hear you say that.'
'Let's go back in.'
Christopher and Natasha turned back, only to stop dead. Standing at the back door were Steffin and Merlin. Both wore sour expressions on their faces. Judging by the expressions, it was evident that they had overheard a small part of the conversation Christopher and Natasha had.
Christopher turned slightly red and hesitated to move. Natasha, however, held her head high - a haughty expression on her face - and grabbing Christopher by the arm, pushed past the hated duo. Christopher was dragged all the way - to the hall.
Once they reached the hall, Natasha let go of Christopher's arm and whirled on him. Christopher blinked.
'Listen to me.'
'What do you think I'm doing ?'
'Alright, go and pack your stuff.'
Christopher blinked again.
'What for ?'
Natasha sighed out of exasperation.
'Just listen to me.'
'Go, pack your stuff. Keep your rucksack or whatever it is ready ! Now go ! No questions !'
He didn't need a telling twice. Christopher took off and tore up the stairs to his room. He shut the door and went over to his cupboard. Opening it, he pulled out his black rucksack.
Thank goodness it's empty otherwise I would have to shift stuff out of it !
Throwing the rucksack on his bed, Christopher turned to wardrobe. He grabbed his favourite black shirt, his cargo pants, two pairs of socks, a pair of ripped jeans, a black t-shirt, the leather jacket, the black gloves and his skeleton patterned scarf. He threw those onto his bed, near the rucksack.
He searched the wardrobe again and grabbed another black t-shirt and his cap. He also managed to find his black hoodie. These also, he threw on the bed. He searched again and threw in a few of his boxers. He thought of rummaging again but decided against it and proceeded to pack his rucksack. He kept aside the leather jacket, gloves, a pair of socks, a black t-shirt, cargo pants and the scarf. The rest was packed neat into the rucksack, which Christopher hid under his bed.
Done with the packing and in wonder of what Natasha was trying to tell him, Christopher made his way downstairs, only for his mother to catch him.
'Christopher !'
'Yes mummy !'
'Come here. I want to ask you something.'
Christopher swallowed. However, he obeyed and went over to her.
'What's this about you and Natasha not liking Steffin and Merlin staying a night here ?'
Christopher shook his head adamantly.
'Nothing of the sort.'
'Then ?'
'I don't know.'
'Christopher ...'
His mother's tone was threatening.
Christopher refused to give in and instead denied his mother's' allegations.
'Mummy, you know we're rivals. He would probably say something like that.'
His mother shook her head, even though it was evident that she was not convinced.
'Mummy, don't worry.'
'I try not to.'
Her nose was wrinkled in distaste.
Christopher left it at that and made his way to the backyard where Natasha finished setting up almost everything.
'That looks good.', said Christopher, lifting up the covered plate, revealing the shrimps and the chicken cuts.
'Hey !', snapped Natasha, turning on him.
Christopher threw up his hands in mock surrender.
'Alright !'
'By the way, mummy asked me about Steffin and Merlin.'
'She did, huh ?'
'You too ?'
'What did you tell her ?'
'I didn't deny it. I told it to her face.'
'Oops !'
'Why ?'
'Cause I denied everything to her.'
'Ha ! Thought so !'
'She'll kill me.'
'Nah, she won't. I guess she understood we don't like them.'
'All cool then, I guess.'
'Yeah. So all packed ?'
'Obviously. And ...'
'And ... ?'
'What're you planning ?'
Natasha grinned.
'It's huge. Trust me, you don't want to know.'
'It's the only way ...'
'The only way ... ?'
'Never mind.'
'C'mon, temme already.'
'No, can't do.'
'Help me, won't you ?'
You're changing topics, Natasha ! Nice try.
'Pass me the olive oil, brother dear.'
As Christopher passed the bottle of olive oil, his eyes met hers and they betrayed him ...
'Do you trust me ?'
'I do.'

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