Elsewhere : What do you miss ... ?

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'I've noticed that smile. You don't smile like that about someone you're just friends with, y'know.'
Stephan ... How on earth ?
She blushed harder.
Your cheeks are gonna hurt.
I don't care.
'Damn. I didn't realize that.'
Stephan smiled.
'I don't think you've ever smiled like that for anything or at anyone in your life.'
'Umm, could you stop ?'
'Sorry, I can't smile anymore. My cheeks are hurting.'
Stephan laughed.
'Of course. You still love him, don't you ?'
'I guess ?'
'I believe you do. After all, how many people can ignite in their lovers a love for the soil of their birth ?'
'I suppose you've a point. I guess, I was so carried away with trying to survive ever since I was stolen that I never really thought about him.'
'It's okay. The brain doesn't work in happiness and love until the human body is secure.'
'Stephan, this is why I tell you that you should become a psychologist.'
Stephan laughed harder.
'C'mon. That's gonna cost me a lot of money. Besides ...' He stopped abruptly.
She reached out to stroke his dark messy hair.
'I know, Stephan. I know.'
She felt him relax at her touch.
Thank you for everything Stephan.'
She laughed. It felt good; she hadn't laughed like that for quite a while.
'You're funny.'
'I know.'
She chuckled at his air of superiority.
'Stephan ?'
'Yeah ?'
'Can I ask you something super weird ?'
'Fire away.'
She pulled in a deep breath.
This is it. This. Is. It.
'I was wondering ...'
Her voice trailed off.
'Wondering what ?'
'I was wondering ... I would like to go back to Alappuzha.'
Stephan froze. She should have seen it coming. It was too late now, the words had already left her mouth.
'You wanna go back ?'
'Of sorts. Yes.'
She squeezed her eyes shut. She heard the emotion in his voice when he said her name. She couldn't bear to look him in the eye.
'It's your decision to make.'
She wanted to open her eyes but she knew she wasn't brave enough to look him in the eye. She had become his book companion ever since he had aided her in escaping from her captors. Six months might not seem like a long time, but for them, the months following their first meet had been nothing short of eventful.
She felt tears against her eyelids.
'I miss ... home.'
Her voice was close to cracking.
Damn it !
'Home or him ?'
She swallowed.
She rose to leave. She needed space as much as she knew he was in dire need of it too.
She walked away. As she reached the door, she turned back for one final look at Stephan.

For The Better, For You : With Love, Thamrah.Where stories live. Discover now