Elsewhere : Speaking up.

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Her happy 'afternoon - mare' was brought to a sudden halt by the excited shouts of two young children shouting happily.
She stirred in bed.
Ohh c'mon.
She felt a sudden weight on her legs. She propped herself up on her elbows to see the a little girl of five sitting on her legs, thumb in mouth.
'Farhana, what have I told you about sucking your thumb ?'
She watched as Farhana removed her thumb from her mouth. She reached over to pat the girl's head.
'Make sure you don't do that, okay ?'
'Now off you go.'
'Okay. Bye.'
'Bye Farhana. And please be back before dinner, yes ?'
'Yes' came the answer as Farhana ran after her brother.
Thamrah sighed to herself.
I need to go find him now.
Her toes touched the floor as she eased herself out of the bed.
I'll go to the shed first.
She felt around for her sliders with her feet under the bed. Once she found them, she quickly left for the shed.

The sound of metal clanging against metal net her ears as she reached the shed. Her eyes took in the image of dust covered spare equipment before settling on the lone figure seated on the ground with his back turned to her.

This is it.

'Stephan ?'

He turned to face her.
'Hello Thamrah. Did you sleep well ?'
'Thought so.' He smiled to himself.
'Stephan ?'
'Yeah ?'
'Do you think we could talk ?'
'Yes. Also, would you mind finding a chair to sit down on ? I had lent the only two chairs here to Salman and he hasn't brought them back yet.'
'That's alright. I'll just sit down with you.'
'It's dusty and you've sinusitis.' Stephan protested.
'Stephan, I don't mind, honestly.'
'And yet you sneeze so much I fear your lungs may pop out someday.'
Thamrah stifled her laugh.
'Okay, okay. You got me. Lemme find something to rest my pancake on.'
It was Stephan's turn to stifle a laugh.
'I'll be right back.'
She approached the dusty equipment and carefully looked through them.
Just my luck. An old cushion. And it's not even dusty thanks to being buried.
She pulled out the cushion and made her way to Stephan who was still tinkering away.
'Tell me, what's bugging you ?'
She pulled in a deep breath.
'Stephan ? Do you remember that boy I used to talk to you about ?'
'Christopher ?'
'Yeah. I dreamt of him. Y'know, the first time I saw him.'
She winced at her words.
'I should have guessed.'
'What do you mean ?'
'You were smiling this smile in your sleep. It's the same smile you always smile whenever you speak of him.'
She blushed.
Seriously ? For real ?

For The Better, For You : With Love, Thamrah.Where stories live. Discover now