Elsewhere : From Nightmares

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"Isn't this view beautiful ? Just look at it, Tam !"

"I know. Let me get my sweatshirt on.", responded Tam.

Pulling on her sweatshirt, Tam headed towards the edge of the cliff where her elder brother, Abhinav, was standing. He was yelling over the wind.


Tam smiled. Abhinav was her best friend in the big bad world they were living in and their silly antics made everything a hundred times better. Fights were nothing in front of their antics.

"Why haven't you worn your beanie ?"

"Huh ?"

"Your beanie. This place is cold, same goes for the wind. You have sinusitis. Where is your beanie ? Cover up. Don't take the risk. You have an entrance exam coming up."

Tam rolled her eyes.

"Geez, you didn't have to remind me."

"Don't blame me if mom and dad scold you."

"Fine. I'll go get my beanie."

Tam quickly started walking towards the direction where they had parked the car, only to be stopped by her mother.

"Going to grab my beanie."

With that, Tam hurried away to the car. As soon as she reached the car, she frowned. There were vans parked all around the car; one too close to the her seat - the shotgun.

"Stupid van driver."

She dug her hand into the pocket of her jeans, trying to find the keys -  unaware someone was watching her.

"There you are !"

Tam opened the car door quietly and carefully and managed to get her beanie from her backpack, which was lying at the foot of the shotgun.

Suddenly, she was grabbed by a pair of hands from behind. One hand tightly held her waist and the other pressed a piece of damp cloth to her mouth and nose.


She tried to fight but failed.

The next thing Tam knew was that she had been gagged, with a bag slipped over her head and her hands tied behind her back.
She felt someone push her and found herself on the cold floor of the van.

"Muumm, Abhinaavv."

She managed to sit up, only to hear the sound of the van's door being slammed and the engine starting.

Nothing, but the cold floor and darkness.
Tam struggled against her binds, in a desperate bid to escape. She thrashed her legs and felt something.

Or someone.

A strong pair of hands grabbed her legs and she felt rope around them.

"Stay still. Otherwise, you will be in a condition worse than death."


Her eyes snapped open as she sat up in bed, gasping.
The blanket beside her stirred and he sat up, looking worriedly at her.

Her nightmares had returned.

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