Back Home : Let The Road Trip (Actually) Begin

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'What next ? Sourav ? Zayyed ?'

Christopher paced the verandah of Nihan's house.

'We have to wait for the girls now.'

Sourav stared down at his phone screen as he answered. Zayyed was quiet, which was quite unlike him.

'Zayyed, call Akhila.'

'Alright Chrissy.'

Christopher pouted in annoyance as he watched Zayyed pull out his phone to call Akhila. Almost immediately, Christopher heard Akhila's enthusiastic 'Hello' to Zayyed.

'Hello Akhila. When will you get here ?'

Christopher waited as Zayyed spoke to Akhila.

'Alright' he said, hanging up. 'She'll be here with her sister and Isobelle in ten to fifteen minutes.'

'Okay. Sourav, are you listening ?'

Christopher's voice was slightly tinted with annoyance.

'Yeah.' answered Sourav, still not looking up from his phone screen.

'Sourav.' Zayyed sounded as if he was trying warn him about something.

'Alright.' Sourav slid his phone back into the pocket of his jeans.

The front door opened and Nihan stepped out.

'I've talked to dad. He doesn't really want to leave home.'

'Don't worry. Zayyed just got off the phone with Akhila.' Christopher returned.

'Okay. I'll be inside.' With that, Nihan went back inside.

Sourav followed Nihan inside.

'Okay. What's wrong with you ?'

Christopher raised his eyebrow.

'What do you mean what's wrong with me ?'

'Do I look stupid to you ?'

'No.' mumbled Christopher.

Zayyed chuckled and almost immediately, his expression changed to one of concern.

'I'm serious, Christopher.'

'Zayyed, I'm fine, honestly.'

'Disregarding your answer to my question, I'm not.'

'Good for you.'

It was Zayyed's turn to raise an eyebrow.

'Hey !'

'What ? I was only being honest.'

'Christopher, you're a shitty liar. I can tell you're lying'

I can tell when you're lying, at least most of the time.

She used to say that.

He remembered the way she used to say it; her voice which usually sounded arrogant because of the accent was softened in the manner when she said those words. Come to think about it, her arrogant sounding accent always felt warm whenever he had heard her speak.

Would she still sound the same way now ?

'Christopher ? Christopher ? Christopher Ashton Jonas !'

' What ?'

'You completely zoned out ! Dude, you okay ?'

'I'm fine.'

'Like I actually believe you. I'll let you have your space. Talk to me when you're comfortable.'

Christopher narrowed his eyes at Zayyed.

'What are you staring at ?'

'I think Akhila's softness rubbed off on you.'

Zayyed blushed. He shot back.

'As if no girl's softness has ever rubbed off on you !'

It was Christopher's turn to blush.

Damnnit ! Am I blushing ? What the actual fuck ?

'You can't be blushing ! Holy fuck !'

'Shuttup Zayyed.'

Zayyed snorted. He suddenly looked over Christopher's shoulder. As Christopher turned, he noticed the headlights of a car.

Two girls got out from either sides of the backseat. Christopher had to admit to himself that he had never seen Akhila and Isobelle so excited. He was taken aback by the lady who stepped out after them. From her golden wheatish complexion, high cheekbones and dark almond shaped eyes, he realized she was Akhila's elder sister - Ahalya - whom none of them had met.

'Hello boys.'

'Hi Ahalya.'

'Be with you in a bit.'

With a friendly smile, Ahalya walked past them and into the house.

Akhila and Isobelle came over to Christopher and Zayyed.

'Well ?' Akhila demanded.

'We'll take good care of Nihan, if that's what you're worried about.' answered Christopher.

'I wasn't talking about Nihan.' Akhila rolled her eyes.

'Then ?'

'You, Chrissy.'

'We'll be excusing ourselves. C'mon Isobelle.' Zayyed took Isobelle's hand walked away.

'Kill me.'

'Christopher, I'm worried about you too.'

'Why ?'

'Cause this isn't exactly like you.'

What is this with everyone being so concerned about me ?

'Christopher, I know you're gonna say something snarky or so, but listen to me, please. I can understand there's something wrong -'

I can understand there's something wrong, Christopher.

Christopher did not hear the rest of Akhila's sentence.

Why on earth is she speaking like her ? Why are you speaking like Thamrah ?

Christopher stared at Akhila with wide open eyes.

'Christopher, are you listening to me ?'

She had not snapped, like she usually would have. Her voice was soft, with worry and concern. Christopher suddenly felt the pangs of guilt.

She shouldn't have to worry about me.

'Akhila, I'm fine. Honestly. I'll look after Nihan. And Sourav. And Zayyed.'

'I know you will. Christopher, do me a favor, won't you ?'

'Anything, Akhila.'

'Promise me you'll take care of yourself, while you're on this trip.'

Christopher sighed.

'I'll try.'

'Good.' Akhila pulled in a deep breath. 'I think Ahalya is done inside.'

Ahalya stepped out, followed by Sourav - holding Nihan's bag - and Nihan - supporting his father. Zayyed and Isobelle dashed over to help Nihan's sickly father into the car.

'We're gonna take him to Ahalya's ayurveda hospital. It's got a serene ambience and Ahalya said she'll look after him well.' said Akhila.

'Nihan will be relieved.'

'It's time for a group hug. Get your asses here now ! ' Sourav had started yelling too.

Five pairs of arms wrapped around whoever was the nearest.

'We'll miss you.' sniffed Isobelle.
'Don't worry. We'll be okay.' said Sourav reassuringly.
'Why wouldn't we be ?' Zayyed sounded soothing.
'We'll be okay. And we'll take good care of Nihan.' Christopher nodded.

'Bangalore, here we come !'

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