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Natasha could hardly believe what she was hearing.
'Fun ? Fun ?!'
'Yeah, that's what I said.'
'Are. You. Serious ?'
Every word she pronounced had a defined pause.
Natasha couldn't believe her ears. She was baffled. What could have come over Christopher ? She could not deny it to herself. She had just seen him transit from tears to mania. Unable to understand what exactly had happened, Natasha stared at Christopher.
Christopher stared back.
'What are you staring at me for, Christopher Jonas ?'
'What ? Is Zayyan the only person allowed to stare at you ?'
Natasha's neck turned red. She spluttered in response.
'How dare you -'
'Wanna know what I'm thinking about ?'
'No, tell me.'
Christopher grinned so wide that Natasha suddenly felt uncomfortable. One look and he could perfectly read her thought.
Damn it Christopher Jonas ! Tell me already !
'Well ...'
'Well ?'
Christopher was enjoying it. Natasha was getting curious with every passing minute. She could not control her curiosity from getting the better of her.
'Damnnit ! Tell me already !'
'Well ...'
'Stop dragging them damn wells around Jonas ! Tell me !'
'Since I've already packed up, I'm thinking of ...'
'Of ?'
Christopher was enjoying it.
Natasha seemed to be getting more exasperation with each passing minute.
'I'm thinking of running away from home.'
Natasha's jaw dropped. Her eyes grew wide with shock.
'Are. You. Serious ?'
Natasha pronounced every word with a pause. She looked terrified
'If momma finds out ...'
'She won't. Like I said,I've already packed up.'
'When are you planning to leave ?'
Christopher stared at her straight in the eye.
'Tonight ? You can't be serious.'
'I am.'
Christopher's voice lost the playful tone to it; it had suddenly become serious and low.
'I have to go. Nihan ...'
'I understand.'
Natasha rolled her eyes.
'How are you planning to do this ?'
'By taking her.'
'Blue Lady ?'
'Yeah. Well, she is more a beast than a lady.'
Natasha chuckled.
'True. Get me one just like her.'
'Done and done.'
With those words, Christopher stood up and turned to the door. Suddenly, he turned back.
'Nat ?'
'Yes, brother dear ?'
'You have any money ?'
'Let me check.'
'Okay. Thanks. See you upstairs.'
Christopher silently but quickly, made his way upstairs to his room. He heaved his bag onto his bed and then, flung open his cupboard and drawers, searching for his wallet.
Where is it ? Aaah !
Kitti poyi !
(Got it)
He eased himself onto the bed and dumped the contents of his wallet on the bed. Crisp, colourful notes fell out.
Lavender. Magenta. Bright yellow. Chocolate brown.
Aaah ! Inni njaan nokkatte !)
(Aaah ! Let me look now !)
Christopher started counting out the money. He laid out two notes of magenta, five notes of bright yellow, two of stone grey and five notes of chocolate brown.
Six thousand fifty ! No way, I must be having more !
Carefully arranging the money back in his wallet, Christopher stared rummaging again in his drawers and cupboard; by sheer luck he came across his piggy bank. He threw it on the bed. As he was about to open it, a sound from his doorway startled him.
Holding a purse in her hand, and leaning in, was Natasha. Christopher nodded and she entered the room. She sat down on the bed and watched Christopher's attack on the piggy bank.
Christopher did not have any memory of putting any money into the piggy bank but his desparation made him overlook everything else. He shook it violently and out fell two wrinkled notes of lavender.
Two hundred ? Damn it !
'Chris ?'
'Yeah ?'
'I have some money with me.'
Opening her purse, she dumped the contents into the bed. Notes fluttered out.
Magenta. Lavender. Stone Grey. Bright yellow.
Christopher's eyes grew wide.
'I counted it. There's eight thousand nine hundred bucks in total.'
Holy cow !
'Njaan kurre paisa eduthu vechittindaarnu. Shoppinginnu vendi aarnu.'
(I'd saved a lot of money. I wanted to go shopping.)
Christopher locked eyes with Natasha.
He leaned over the upside down piggy bank and hugged her.
'Thanks Nat.'
'No mention please.'
As they broke the hug, Natasha raised the question.
'Now what ?'
Christopher pulled out his phone from his pocket. He scrolled down his list of contacts and dialled a number which was saved as 'Oolan no. 1'
Almost immediately, the call was answered.

'Enthaddaa ?'
(What is it bro ?)

'Njaan oru kaaryam parrayatte ?'
(I'll tell you something ?)

(Tell me.)

'Nammaku innu raathri thanne Banglorekk poyaalo ?'
(Shall we leave for Bangalore tonight ?)

(Excellent decision.)

'Nee avanmaaroddu parrayoo ?'
(Will you tell the boys ?)

'Aadda. Njaan parranjolaam.'
(Yeah dude, I'll tell them.)

'Appo Akhila ?'
(What about Akhila ?)

'Aa kaaryam njaan nokkikollaam.'
(I'll take care of that.)

'Nee Nihanne pidich set aaku.'
(You've to convince Nihan to come with us.)

'Njaan ettu.'
(I'll take it up.)

'Pwolikaam nammakku.'
(We'll have a blast.)

'Aadda. Nee vandi set aaku.'
(Yeah. Get your bike ready.)

With that, Christopher hung up on the call.

'Gonna go check if beauty has any fuel left.'

Once Christopher was done checking the fuel as well as the whole of his vehicle properly, he crept to his room and changed. Pairing up black denims with a black tee and a black hoodie, he completed the look with white shoes.

Knowing that his parents were no where in sight and still in discussion, Christopher sneaked his bag outside and grabbed his helmet from Natasha, who had been waiting for him outside the house.

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