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"I'll miss you, stupid."

"You don't have a choice. Besides, mom and dad will kill me when they get their hands on me. So you'll have to miss me if that happens too, y'know."

Natasha rolled her eyes at Christopher.

"You arrogant douchebag."

Christopher laughed.

"I feel better, you know."

"I know you do."

"Do you think they'll kill me ?"

"I hope they do. That way, I'll get all your stuff and your allowance. I'll also get the Blue Lady !"

There was cheeky grin on Natasha's face as she said the last part.

"Screw you Natasha Evangeline Jonas !"

Natasha burst out laughing. Christmas glared at her laughing figure.

I'm not sharing my Blue Lady ever ! No freaking way !

"I saw that look. Please, I don't want your Blue Lady. I want a Black Beauty."

"You can get it yourself."

"Of course I will. Now get the hell outta here before mom and dad come looking for us."

"I love you Nat. Take care of yourself."

"Good gosh. Don't worry about me. Worry about you. Stay safe. Keep me updated."

Keep me updated ...
She used to say.

Now's not the time.

Another voice hissed inside his head.

Not the time to think about her.

"Yeah, I'll ..."

His voice trailed off.

"You okay ?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay. Bye."


The engine roared to life as Christopher took off, leaving Natasha and everything else behind ...

Nothing but Nihan's wish mattered now.

Christopher stopped in front of a black gate. He yelled at the top of his lungs.


He sensed the disturbance inside the house - he could hear Sourav's golden retriever barking.

Oops !

The door of the house swung open as Christopher peeped through the bars of the gate. Sourav stepped out, accompanied by his dog. He spotted Christopher peeping through the bars and walked over to him.

"Pranthaayo ?"
(Have you gone mad ?)


"You're insane. Come on in."

Sourav rolled his eyes at Christopher who grinned in return.

"You gave Twix quite a scare."

Christopher laughed. He bent down to pet Sourav's dog.

"I'm sorry Twix. Who's a good girl ?"

The dog barked and ran off.

"Are you coming ?"

"Yeah, I'm. Ohh, hello uncle."

"Hello Christopher. How're you ?"

"I'm fine."

For The Better, For You : With Love, Thamrah.Where stories live. Discover now