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Christopher, Natasha, Stephin and Merlin were left gaping at each other after they had heard Mrs. Jonas speak to Mrs. George.
The four of them strained their ears in the direction of the kitchen.
They could hear Helena's musical lilt.
'Judith, I need to speak to you about something.'
'Tell me, Helena.'
'Don't get me wrong.'
'Helena, we've been friends since the age of five. You were always there. Why are you ... ?'
'I'll explain. But first help me serve the children.'
'Yes, Helena.'
The four outside the kitchen could hear the sounds of dishes being moved about and plates being gathered. The sound of footsteps grew louder and closer. Christopher, Natasha, Stephin and Merlin hurried away and dropped themselves into the chairs. They looked up to see Helena and Judith hold the dishes and staring back with eyes that plainly betrayed curiosity. Or maybe, it was just another one of those parenting strategies.
Judith smiled brightly. She set down the plates and the casserole dish.
'Tuck in, kids.'
Helena set down the casserole pan she had been carrying and took off the lid. The aroma was beyond words as the youngsters realised what it was.
Chicken curry !
Four pairs of hands eagerly waited to grab as much as food they were capable of holding.
'Help yourselves. We'll bring the rest.'
With those words, Helena went back to the kitchen, Judith behind her.
Christopher, Natasha, Stephin and Merlin attacked the food without a single thought of one another.
Wiping his plate clean, Christopher grabbed the plate and made his way to the kitchen. He was, however, stopped, by the conversation between his mother and Mrs. George.
'I'm sorry, Helena ...'
'It's okay. I'm the one to apologise.'
'Helena, don't.'
'I'm sorry but you've been a good to me all these years and I didn't want any secrets.'
'I understand. I'm glad you told ...'
'No mother can take in anything that's negative about her children.'
'I can, actually.'
There was a confused pause.
Christopher strained his ear, trying to hear more.
'Helena, trust me. I know my children. I've watched them grow. I know, they have toxic traits. No mother would dare to confess but you're a mother too. And you've been a part of my journey in life since my tender age. So it's only fair I tell you. Stephin and Merlin have horrible, toxic traits and I'm aware Christopher and Natasha lack them. The fact George is rich, enough and more, has only addled my children. My only hope is that college will set Stephin straight and Merlin will soon learn the same.'
Christopher was dumbstruck. And it seemed to him, so was his mother. He would have waited to hear more but he heard footsteps coming in his direction and had to act fast. Holding his plate and trying to look like he had only just finished, Christopher took a step in, only to face his mother - holding a plate piled with pazhamporis.
Christopher's eyes grew wide at the sight of the plate.
'Mummy, may I just ... ?'
'Why not ?'
His mother broke into a grin.
'Race you to the table, then.'
Christopher stared at his mother. It was unlikely of her be playful but there she was - his mother - being playful. He decided to shrug it off and raced her to the dining table.
A few minutes later, they were joined by Mr. Jonas as well as Mr George.
Christopher took it as his cue and fled the dining room. He stayed away till breakfast got over.
Christopher sneaked downstairs when he realised that the George family members were packing to leave. However, he did not dare to stay downstairs for too long.
Christopher did not say bye.
He hurried upstairs as they left.
When he reached his room, he quietly shut the door and went over to the window.
He saw them - the proud parents and their son who had visited his house with the news that the son had qualified JEE Advance and would soon leave for IIT Madras ...
He had sensed the disappointment of his parents.
Only JEE Mains ... Not Advanced ...
He heard the car pull out.
Christopher turned away from the window, his back against the wall and sighed in relief.
It's okay. They're gone.
But ...
It won't be long now ...
Soon enough, Christopher heard his name being called, downstairs ...
Christopher swallowed.
Daddy !
Ohh fuck ! Fingers crossed, it'll okay !
'Coming !'.
Christopher forced himself to call back.
He slowly made his way downstairs. Anxiety coursed through him as he neared the living room where his father was waiting for him.
Ohh Lord ! Save me ! I must take Nihan to Bangalore ! Don't want anymore troubles ! Ohh please !
Karthaave !
(God !)
Christopher slowed as he neared the living room. His heart drummed against his chest. He could hear his parents arguing about him in the living room.
Christopher forced himself to face his father.
And the next thing he knew was the feeling of the world crumbling onto him.
He only had ears for his father's words over the terrified, tearful protests from his mother and the desperate pleas from Natasha.
Christopher felt utterly crushed.
Ente Karthaave !
(My God !)
'Mone, nee ennodu shamikku. Pakshe ninne ingane vittaal sheri aavila.'
(My son, forgive me. But if I let you go on like this, it will not be good.)
Christopher looked around in desperation.
Karthaave ! Enne rakshikanne !
(Ohh God, save me !)

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