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Christopher Jonas slowly turned in his bed. He pushed off the covers and sat up, rubbing his eyes. His eyes blinked a while - for him to get adjusted to the sunlight that was teasing him through the lace curtain covered window.
Running his hands through his dishevelled dark hair, Christopher placed his feet on the shiny floor. The chill off the tile felt soothing to his feet and he felt it, eyes shut.

Quietly, with the grace of a ballet dancer, he left the bed and made his way to the bathroom.
Christopher quickly brushed and washed, however, he took his time in the bathroom, eyes on his reflection in the spotless mirror. He noted the still dishevelled dark hair, tired dark eyes staring, full dark lips, and the day old stubble. His dark skin looked unhealthy.

Christopher tore his eyes away from the mirror and left the bathroom. Making his way back to the bed, he considered sleeping again but he had promised his friends he would go out for a ride with them.

Maybe, I'll get a cig too.
How about a drink ?

Thoughts raced in his mind as he made the bed. With the bed neatly made and put in apple pie order, Christopher hurried downstairs for breakfast. The aroma of the food seduced his stomach, making him rush to the beautifully designed dining room.
The table was laid for eight.
The layout caught Christopher's attention and his mind started racing again.

Eight ... ?
Ohh no ... It can't be ...

Christopher dared himself to ask his mother the dreaded question.

'Mummy ?'

'Yes ... ?'

Christopher swallowed.

'Do we have guests ?'

The answer made his stomach jump to his throat.


Christopher stared down at the plate in front of him.
Guesses of potential names started popping up in his mind.

The Joseph family ? Nah !
The Umesh family ? Nope ! Still back in K.S.A !
The Latheefs ? Lol. Never.
Who could it be ?
Aruna aunty and her family ? Thushara's family ? Salman ?!

'Who are you daydreaming about ? Start eating !', snapped Christopher's mother.

'Sorry mummy.'

Christopher eyed the dishes before him.
Is that my stomach I hear ? No wonder she's screaming ! Yum !!!
Ohh well, being a Keralite has its perks !

Palappams. Idiyappams. Beef roast. Chicken curry.


Christopher reached out to get all the food he could get home. Homemade food was a delight in Kerala. And the people of his district always cooked with happiness, and hence, the food tasted more amazing than it usually would have.
As he poured more gravy of the curry onto his plate, he heard the sounds of a car near the gate.

And suddenly, a ring ...

The doorbell.

Christopher's heart did a dive to his stomach.
His mother, who had just come to the dining room, wiped her hands on her apron and quickly pulling it off, handed it to Natasha, Christopher's younger sister who had come out of her room on hearing the doorbell.
Christopher anxiously strained his ears as he looked at the food ladden plate.

'Hello, Helena aunty. Where is Jonas uncle ?'


It was a nightmare come true for Christopher as he recognised the voice ...
And the guest ...


And suddenly, the voice was speaking to Christopher.

'Hello Chris. All good ?'

All good ? What do you want to know ?
The college to which I secured admission ? Or my JEE rank ?

Christopher addressed the speaker, eyes on the speaker's hairline.

'Hello Stephin.'

Stephin, the stuck up.

Christopher watched as Stephin dropped himself into the chair next to him.

Get your filthy ass off my mother's precious dining table's chair ! And take it outta my father's house !

'Hello Christopher.'

'Hello, uncle George.'

'How're you ?'

'I'm fine. How about you ?'

'I'm fine too, son.'

Christopher watched as uncle George scanned the food items on the table.

His eyes turned to Stephin, who was smiling a smile that spoke one thing.

Trouble ...

The cunt, I'll show him ...

'Do sit. Help yourself. More food will be brought.',said Christopher's mother, smiling, like any gracious hostess would do.

Steffin's hands hovered over the plate of palappams and he took two of them.
Christopher tore his eyes away from the scene and started eating. The food seemed to try and soothe him, but it seemed impossible since there was a nemesis seated near him. Anger troubled Christopher and his thoughts would not stay put.
There was a funny thing Christopher had noticed about the people of his district. Or atleast it seemed to him ...

Alappuzhakaars truly love, no matter who the person is. But once they start hating you, no one on the planet is capable of hating you to that extend.

The people of Alappuzha District were lovable people. Happy people. Alappuzha wasn't one of the most developed or posh districts but Christopher dearly loved the place.

Second home, after Saudi Arabia ...

Christopher had grown up in Saudi Arabia since his birth and he had fallen in love with that country too - most people believed it as a place of no freedom. But Christopher had seen his life - memorable moments he would cherish - happen over there.

The friends, the girls, the hangouts, the photoshoots, the car rides and late night fast food ... And the shawarmas ...

The sound of his ringtone brought Christopher back to the present. He looked down at the number flashing on the screen and happiness flooded him.

His best friend was calling him.

Zayyed !

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