Elsewhere : The First Meeting (Continued : Part Three)

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'Uhh mum ...'

Her voice faltered.

How did she know ?

Thamrah Rakesh, you can't be this thick in the head. By now it should be clear to you that you've no skill to lie whatsoever. You're an embarrassment to your brother. What. Will. Abhinav. Say ?

'Yes mum.'
'I've more than well understood that you've lied.'

Frowning, she turned away to pay the bill as the sales boy came to the counter.

Thamrah hung her head.

This. Is. Embarrassing.

Another voice roared in her head.

How on earth are you embarrassed ? Why are you embarrassed ? You saw the boy you're head over heels in love with. This embarrassment is worth it. Think back to how excited you were in that moment.

Warmth spread across her cheeks. She had never felt so strongly about anyone before. How was it even possible ?

This. Embarrassment. Is. Worth. It. You hear me ?

Seems like it's time to write a prose. Or a poem. By the end of whatever you decide to write, you'll have it figured it out.

'Come on Thamrah. We're done here.'

Thamrah followed her mother out. She was still in thought about Christopher.

Do you remember his dark eyes ? His beautiful smile ? His chubby cheeks ? The messy hair ? The scruffy beard and mustache ? I can't take it. How is it that I'm so much in love with him ?


Why does mum have to disturb me when I'm busy in thought about Christopher ?

'Yes mum.'
'Do you mind being alone in the car for a bit ? I need to stop and get out for a bit.'

Gladly mum. As long as you don't interrupt my thoughts and musings about Christopher anymore.

'I'll be fine mum.'

She heard the door open and then close, but it sounded far away.

Okay. Now, to start on that prose. Think Thamrah. Think. C'mon. What would you write about ?

Write about that smile you're still wearing. The smile you're smiling because of him. Or how about his imperfect perfection ? Hold up, is it imperfect perfection or perfect imperfection ? Urghh, let it be ! Just work it out when you're writing ! Urghhh ! I still don't know what I'm supposed to write ! I think Erato has abandoned me. Maybe if I offer her some of my Twix, she'll give me some inspiration. I. Have. To. Write.
But what ?

Suddenly, her eyes grew wide - as wide as the smile she had smiled since meeting him.

I know ! I know now ! C'mon phone, let's do this ! I know I've got this in the bag now ! Ahahahaha ! Thanks Erato, even though you weren't of much help to me !

She opened the notes application and her fingers started moving back and forth.

For The Better, For You : With Love, Thamrah.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora