Elsewhere : The First Meeting

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Their eyes met.

She was taken aback.

It's him. It's really him.
Okay. Act real cool now.

However, her heart was beating so hard she feared it would burst from her chest.

I hope my breath smells okay. I should have brushed after I'd milk.
It's not like I'm going to kiss him. Urgh.
This is it. This is it. I'm finally going to talk to him.
Please don't say anything stupid. C'mon, you've got this.
Say it. It's just one word. C'mon.

She walked upto him and peered at the face of the boy she could not get off her mind.

'You're so ... Short ?'


She felt the blood rush to her cheeks.

Christopher looked .... Confused. Undoubtedly by her words.

Good one, Thamrah. Real smooth. Now you've probably got him all upset. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU ?

'Hi Thamrah.'
'Umm hi.'
'I, umm - '

It won't kill you to get out a word straight.

'Thamrah, who is this ?'

No ! What ? No ! Go away, mom ! Just go away !

'Hello auntie. I'm Christopher.'
'Hello Christopher. How're you ?'
'I'm fine auntie. What about you ?'
'I'm fine too. Where do you study ?'

Aah. Yes. Where do you study ?

She didn't hear the rest of their conversation. She was lost in thought.

Mom, don't do this to me. Just why ?

Deep in thought, she did not notice her mother gently brush against her shoulder as she walked away from her and Christopher.

She raised her eyes to look at Christopher who was pulling his phone out of his pant pocket. He looked slightly uncomfortable.

Is he blushing ?  What for ?

She watched as he pulled in a deep breath and stuttered the words.

'Can I get a photo with you ?'

Ohh no Christopher. A selfie when I'm half bedraggled ? I would look nowhere as good as you.

She turned around and started walking.

It hurt her to walk away. She wanted to turn back, go up to him and say 'How about we go for that ride you promised me ? Don't tell me you don't remember now.'

Umm, you can't do that now.

She reached the car and pulled open the door, but not before turning back to look at him once more.

I don't want to go. Not yet, not now.

Is this what love feels like ?

She waved at his still-standing, still-looking-at-her figure.

Bye Christopher. Someday, I'll see you again.

She got in the car and looked out the window.

One last look.

I could blow him a kiss.
The fuck ? Your mom's right here next to you !
Ohh well ...

She turned to look at him. She saw his lips move.

For The Better, For You : With Love, Thamrah.Where stories live. Discover now