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Gerald was furious ,not only were his two daughters out till late but the king said something to him about his daughters that he wasn't happy with.

They had disobeyed their mother and had gone into the forest and to the river they were banned from visiting behind her back.

"Why were you guys out in the forest this late, And why are your dresses wet?"He shouted.He knew that they had gone to the river but he wanted them to admit it.

The two girls flinched,this was not what they expected from their father,they thought their mother would be the one to curse them,but it seems like today their father had a change of heart.

Silence filled the room, and not even the sharpest knife could cut the tension that followed.

"Fauna! Flora! Answer me!"

"F-Father".Flora stammered with a trembling voice.

"Speak up child,don't you hear your father talking to you?"

"Father-" Fauna began again but was cut off by her younger sister.

"Father,forgive us.We went into the forest."Flora said with her head bowed and eyes staring at her shoes.

"You guys went into the forest and into the river knowing your mother forbade you from ever going there again".

Gerald was about to speak again when he was cut off by his oldest.

"Father,you always stick up for us, what changed?"Fauna said with attitude all while making eye contact with her father.

"Yes father, what changed?" Flora said butting in.

"Flora,I'm trying to reason here just shut up".Fauna didn't like saying things like this to her younger sister but now wasn't the time for her to speak.

Because if she didn't at least try to get to her father's soft spot he would let their mother have her way with the cursing she knew they would receive.

What she didn't think about is that the attitude she was giving would cause her father to lash out.

Never poke a bear, that's something she should know from experience.

"I will not stand up for children that disobey the orders of their parents!"

Mrs.Neigh couldn't stand seeing her husband upset,and so she slowly walked over to him and began rubbing his back in small circles.

She had never seen her husband this upset before and they had been married for many years.

But when she looked over and saw the look her oldest was giving her father she couldn't control the anger that built inside her.

She already made up her mind that she wasn't going to say anything and let him do what he wanted to do with them,they couldn't handle being cursed by both parents.

They were sensitive.

"How dare you look at your father like that!You disobedient Child!"

"Mother-" Flora said, trying to butt in.

"Don't talk! I don't want to hear it".

"You two are going to stay in your room for a week to think about what you have done".

She said before walking her husband towards their bedroom.

"I wish we hadn't gone out there".

"Oh come on, Flora ,it was fun. Cheer up".

"Yeah it was fun but now we're in trouble,aren't we?"

"Yeah we're in some deep shit".

Fauna said letting out a breathy sigh,this was probably as bad as it would.get for them but, with a mother like that there was no telling.

"Two weeks my ass". She mumbled under her breath.

"Fauna this is your second time,no cursing remember? We're forbidden".

"So? We're already in trouble, might as well.we both know we're gonna end up staying in our room for more than two weeks".

"Let's go to bed ".


More than two hours have passed since the two girls went to bed yet they both seemed wide awake.

Memories of a beautiful day filled one sister's mind while something forbidden filled the other's.

Today was one of the best days for one of the sisters.

She got to spend quality time with her sister ,something she had grown accustomed to over the years.

But just the mere fact that they gossiped about the people they couldn't see without getting bored was enough.

Thinking back to the Xahir River she wished she could go there again.

Thoughts of sneaking out crossed her mind for the first time in her entire life and she wasn't sure how to feel about it,but that didn't mean the thoughts left her mind anytime soon.

Hearing the shuffling of sheets beside her she turned to see her sister staring at the ceiling as well,in her mind there was no doubt that she was thinking of the amazing day they had.

But how could she be more wrong?

Her sister loved her but there was something else occupying her mind or rather ,someone else.

Her kind kept drifting back to those dark blue eyes she had seen sitting on a peach tree branch in her backyard.

Though she couldn't see his face ,it was nighttime when she saw him after all.

Just the way his eyes pierced into hers was enough to make her memories filled with him.

She just knew that he was handsome,but only time would tell.

She was disobedient and if her parents found out she would never be able to even think of leaving the house again,but right them and there she couldn't care less she just wanted to see him one more time,and like how the moon was shining a little brighter tonight she was sure that if he was out there again she would see his face.

Her sister couldn't know of her plans; she needed her to be asleep before attempting to sneak out.

More than an hour had passed and her sister had fallen asleep by then. She knew her sister didn't snore, but her snoring would make her feel as if she was in a deep sleep.She didn't want her sister to see her leaving.

Pushing the sheets off her body, she tiptoed to her bedroom window, opened it and climbed down the ladder her dad had left there when he fixed their bedroom window.

The ladder made a few squeaking noises that made her heart beat violently in her chest, but she couldn't give up now, not when she already made it out the window.

Climbing down the last few steps on the ladder, she began making her way towards the peach trees.  

When she got close by the tree she saw him in, she made sure to slow her walking and quieten her foot steps.

And here were those blue eyes that shone in the darkness and captured her attention wholeheartedly

THE KING'S DESIRE Where stories live. Discover now