🦋𓆙ℂℍ𝔸ℙ𝕋𝔼ℝ 14𓆙🦋

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He'd spent the last few hours searching his brain, trying to think of what she possibly could be.

'A demon?' he thought

She couldn't be a demon and he knew that not when both her parents were nymphs.  Well, scratch that, one of them definitely wasn't a nymph, but which one? Gerald was a nymph, that he was sure of, or was he?

He didn't know what to believe anymore, maybe his age was finally taking a toll on him, maybe he saw wrong. His sweet, innocent Flora would never have an evil gleam in her eyes.

It never happened, it was all his imagination. Only that could possibly be the answer.

He's gone over this a thousand times, probably way more and he knew that the only way to find out the truth was to ask her parents. But he knew Gerald personally, if he really doesn't want him to know something he won't.

To think that he's known Gerald for so many years yet he didn't know he had connections with Indra. There was much to be revealed. 

Ignoring Flora wasn't something he ever wanted to do, she was a young soul and deserved all the kindness and attention she could get but he couldn't see her , not for now.


Flora had spent the night wondering when Atticus would come back, she wasted an entire night sitting up in bed waiting for his arrival but when the door opened in the morning she only saw Orion.

She opened her mouth to question him about the king's whereabouts but quickly spoke . " The king won't be back today, he left the castle for personal matters, I'm here to escort you to your chambers".

Her face scrunched in confusion, though she was opposed to sleeping in a room with him as an unmarried woman, it seemed odd of the king to leave without an word and to switch her rooms.

He didn't seem like the type to grant her every wish so, this seemed strange to her.

"I'll leave when he gets back". She said suddenly , shocking herself. Her hands flew to her face covering her mouth with wide eyes.

" I'm afraid he won't be back for days, your room has already been prepared, allow me to escort you"

Orion watched as her eyes grew sad highlighting the bags under her eyes. She didn't sleep.

It confused him how she grew attached to him in such a short period of time, 'has it been two days?' he thought.

Sighing she turned around making her way to the bed.

He watched as she curled her smile frame into the sheets ,taking a deep breath and inhaling his scent.

Leaving the room he made his way to the basement cellars where the king is keeping her family.

He needed to speak with the king, she was young and if her behavior said anything, it was saying attachment issues.



Atticus has spent the entire night trying to get information out out Gerald. He could do it the easy was an torture him but he couldn't,  he's known him for too long to do that, he couldn't watch him suffer.

And he's sure Flora wouldn't want to be with a man that harmed her father.

" I already told you, my daughter is a nymph, I don't know what you think you saw but, it didn't happen. She's innocent."

"You won't let go of your bullshit will you? I told you what I saw , She isn't a nymph and neither is your wife."

Gerald grew silent and his wife and daughter turned to look at Atticus with confused looks in their eyes. As if they didn't know what he was talking about, there is a large possibility that Fauna doesn't know what he's talking about but he was sure that his wife would.

It's impossible to not know certain things about your child.

But he refused to interrogate women , it was against his morals. 

"I saw the evil in her," he said sounding slightly defeated. " And I'm never wrong".

Walking the remaining steps between him and the only other man in the room, he stretched his hand out gripping the collar of his shirt and pulled him off the floor.

Maybe he couldn't torture him physically, but he would mentally. " If you don't tell me the truth, I'm going to kill her".

" You wouldn't." Gerald said daringly through clenched teeth.

" Kill her"

"Gwenyth, I've put up with you for too long, how could you say that? That's our daughter". Gerald said trying to pull himself away from the King.

He was beyond mad, how could his wife speak about their daughter like that? He'd been trying to ignore the fact that she clearly had a favourite for years.

The way she treated Flora was evil, hardly giving her clothes , but then again he could only blame himself for he knew of her selfish behavior long before they got married and could see her hatred for their daughter as soon as she came in the picture.

" Mother you can't say that " Fauna said quickly covering her mother's mouth with her hand. She knew of her mother's dislike for her younger sister and it sickened her but the more she thought about it she realized she wasn't much better. What she had done recently wasn't something she was proud of and she regretted it everyday.

"I'm not killing her , and you-" He said pointing at Gwenyth " How can you call yourself a mother, I should kill you. But there's a chance that she might hate me for it."

" Atticus". The voice frightened him and he whipped his head around finding Orion standing at the doorway. Orion stepped in looking at all the furniture that adorned the "cell" Flora's family had been placed in.

Just by watching Orion's facial expression ,Atticus knew what he came to talk about. Flora.

Walking out the cell with Atticus behind him ,he began speaking. " She needs her family, she's lonely and freakishly attached to you".

Ignoring his words, Atticus started making his way back into the cell. " She refused to leave your room and stayed up all night waiting for you".

"I don't even think she ate,I went to ask the maids and they said she stopped eating when you left and refused to eat breakfast".

" So again, she needs her family. It's that or you go spend time with her". Orion said his voice getting sterner , it was clear that he was pissed with the king,  not only did he not want the poor girl to see her family but the girl he was half I'm love with was locked in a cell with her devil mother and dad.

" No, you know I can't. I want to ok, I want to see her and I want her to see her family. Except that som of a bitch mother she has." He said walking away.

Sorry, I haven't checked for errors, comment when you find them🙃

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