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The king was being dumb and he knew it. Like how could someone turn a blind eye to something like this? How can he pretend to not know.

It was painfully obvious who wanted to kill him. Atticus's stubborness was not only going to get himself killed but also his people, and he knew how much he cared about his people.

So why?


Eventhough Orion had  left the room long ago the king still sat at his desk letting his nerves get the best of him.

It wasn't just one thing that was bothering him, but two. He couldn't find out who was plotting against him, and he refused to believe it was the person Orion kept mentioning.

No matter how much they despised eachother they'd never plot to kill eachother , their relationship was complicated .

And that girl, that girl was making him nervous, of course he's seen her before but he's never met her face to face. He was never nervous. Why was he nervous?

Especially to meet some girl.

Pushing his chair back, he got up, walked to his office door closed it, and opened it back and walked into his bed chamber.

The room was spacious, it was a room fit for a king. Quite contrary to what others thought, the king quite liked the colour brown . He wasn't quite fond of dark coloured rooms . Pastel browns were the most pleasing colours in his eyes.

Maybe it was the calming effect that brown pastels gave that made him like them that much, but he didn't know and he didn't care.

He liked his room simple, just a small study table and chair with a king sized bed. His bed sheets would be expected to atleast be extravagant right? But no, he went for a simple pastel brown silk sheet.

Well atleast he had a big bathroom, his love for taking long soaks in a bath made him love big bathrooms.

Walking into his room he took off his clothes and threw them on the floor walking to his bed . He hadn't slept all day and it was starting to take a toll on him.

He was tired , he needed sleep but he wanted to relax his nerves and the only way to do that was to take a nice long bath.

As he snuggled into his sheets he yawned and decided that the best thing to do right now was take a nap. A short one , the type that doesn't make you feel all that tired when you wake up, and that after that he can just take a nice long bath.

A few hours had passed since the king went to sleep and by now it was almost twelve pm so Orion went and knocked on the his bedroom door.

The king always did his dirty work late at nights and having been working for him for many years it wasn't anything new to him.

Atticus felt energised after his long nap.Pushing the sheet off his legs he went and opened the door for Orion.

Silence filled the room until Orion decided to break it.He never knew why but he always felt as if he needed to be talking whenever he was in the presence of the king. Maybe it was because he felt the need to annoy him all the time.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"A question that needed to be answered with the truth but probably never would be. He knew Atticus best , maybe that was just wishful thinking but he'd like to believe he did.

" Yes I'm sure and, I'd appreciate it you'd stop talking " Grabbing a coat Atticus started making his way out room with Orion trailing behind him.

Nearing the exit of the castle Atticus signaled Orion to bring two horses. He didn't want to use too much energy because he knew he'd be up for the rest of the day.

Storming away Orion went and fetched the horses. One black and one white, He'd had the black one for about 5 years now and it seemed to have become his little companion. If he could bring him jn the castle with him to live he would.

They both hopped on their horse and started making their way to Gerald's home. It didn't take them very long to get their and when they did Orion left and went to the peach trees.

Eventhough Atticus knew the house like the back of his hand , he'd never physically been there. He took his little time venturing around even going as far as opening Gerald's bedroom door.

He walked inside the bedroom and stood at the edge of the bed, it was highly inappropriate ,he knew that. He was invading their personal space.

Eventually he left going to the second bedroom. The sound of a speaking ladder caught his attention and that's when he realised that the bedroom window was left open. The room held too beds and one was empty.

That could only mean that one was sneaking out, he wasn't sure how he knew but he could tell ut was the older one, Fauna.

" My sweet Flora " he whispered walking up to her bed. She was beautiful he thought. How could Gerald keep something so precious and beautiful from him. He wouldn't ruin her, things like this shouldn't be ruined.Not when they're this beautiful.

Running his finger through her hair , he cupped her face leaning in close to smell her. Her scent was wonderful.  He'd never smelt anything like her.

He could take her away with him tonight, he should but he wanted them to know when he was taking her, he didn't want them to see her missing and not know here she was. He wanted them to know she was with him.

He stayed there for quite sometime admiring her before the heard someone making their up the ladder. Walking out the room he went back to Gerald's bedroom grabbing a piece of paper and a pen.

' Make up your mind soon, I don't plan on waiting any longer'. Leaving the paper on a small coffe table in the room he made his way out. Leaving Orion behind.

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