Chapter 29

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A/N: hey guys tonight I am going back to boarding school so it may be hard to be able to produce a chapter every day, but again I will try my best! Thanks for reading so far :)

"Ok, drive slowly Fry." Thomas says cautiously from next to me. Frypan slowly inches the car forward into the dark tunnel as Newt sticks a hand held torch out the rolled down window, casting light beams back and forth.

I try to steady my pounding heart, which feels like it's going to burst out of my rib cage any second now.

"Look, there." Thomas says, leaning forward and pointing out the front mirror. I follow his finger and see the silhouette of a Crank, standing about 10 feet away from our car. It twitches violently every few seconds, letting out a weird growling noise.

"Shuck." Frypan gulps, "what do we do?"

"Just keep going." Thomas says. "Slow and steady."

"Alright, slow and steady. Slow and steady." Frypan repeats to himself as Newt switches off the torch, placing it on his lap as he quickly rolls up the window.

But before Frypan can start up the car again, something crashes against my window, causing my head to snap around. An ill looking woman stands at the door, her crazed, Flare-driven eyes bearing into me. Her grey skin is peeling off her face, and her lips are stained black from her Flare- infected blood, which dribbles down her chin.

"Help me." She laughs, tears starting to roll down her cheeks. I feel Thomas's arm snake around my waist, pulling me into him to try and get me as far away from the crazy woman as possible.

"HELP ME!" She screams, banging her fist on the window. "LET ME IN!"

Another thud comes from Thomas's window, causing me to pull the two of us into the middle seat.

A rotting man stands at Thomas's window, banging his fist against the window as he snarls at us.

"Ok Fry, let's get out of here!" Thomas says, clinging onto my jacket.

"Shuck!" Frypan shouts as another monster bangs against his window. Newt leans away from the window as a fourth Crank comes up to his window, violently hitting it with their hand over and over again.

"FRYPAN HIT THE BLOODY GAS!" I shout as another Crank jumps onto the bonnet of the car.

"OK, HOLD ON!" The boy shouts, slamming his foot against the accelerator. I fly back against my chair as the car speeds along the tunnel. I watch as the Cranks clinging onto the side of the car lose their grip and fly off one by one, but the monster on the bonnet doesn't budge. Instead he continues to ram his fist into the window, causing spiderweb cracks to form in the glass.

Any second now and he's going to break the whole window.

"Frypan you need to shake him off!" Newt shouts.

"I'M TRYING!" Frypan snaps, swerving the car from side to side in a desperate attempt to shake the monster off.

A violent swerve throws Thomas against me, his head crashing forcefully against my teeth, causing me to bite down on my lip.

"Ow!" I yell, holding my hand to my lip as the coppery taste of blood starts to form in my mouth.

"Sorry!" Thomas says, scrambling off of me back into his seat.

"It's alright." I mumble, wiping away some of the blood with the back of my hand.

"Ok, just one last... SWERVE!" Frypan shouts, violently swerving the car to the left. A part sticking out of the ruins of an abandoned car hit the Crank as we drive past, causing it to tumble off the car.

"Yes!" Frypan smiles with triumph, looking back over his shoulder to watch the Crank fall to the ground.

"FRY LOOK OUT!" Thomas shouts, but it's too late. The tires roll over a patch of built up dirt, causing the car to lift up onto two wheels, toppling onto its side.

My stomach flips as the car turns onto the roof, turning us all upside down. The gathering dust from the road starts to fill up the car as I try and get myself orientated again.

"Is everyone alright?" Newt calls from in front of me.

"Yeah." The other three of us reply in unison.

"Frypan, mind your head." Thomas says, and he kicks forcefully at the window, causing the glass to shatter into hundreds of little shards. He crawls quickly out of the window before trying to pry open the driver's door, but it doesn't budge.

"Try the passenger door, Thomas!" Frypan suggests.

"Good that." He replies, running around to Newt's side. With the help of Newt pushing against the door, the two boys manage to get the door open after a couple of attempts. Newt grunts as he crawls out into the tunnel, leaving me and Frypan in the car.

"After you." Frypan smiles at me.

"Thank you." I reply, moving cautiously over the glass shards as I make it to the front seat. Newt reaches into the car and grabs my wrist, pulling me out and up onto my feet.

"Thanks." I say just as Frypan quickly follows after me.

"Oh wait, I forgot something!" Frypan says, crawling back into the car to retrieve whatever he needs.

Suddenly, a unison of wails echo throughout the tunnel, causing me to jump slightly. Newt switches on his torch and shines it down the tunnel, and to my horror I see a group of Cranks screaming as they run towards us.

"Fry, we've gotta go!" Thomas shouts at the boy, who's still inside the car.

"Just a second!" Frypan replies.

I watch as the Cranks get closer and closer to us, and I start to panic.

"Fry, hurry up!" I snap at the boy.

"Just wait!" He snaps back.

"Fry, there isn't any bloody time for waiting!" Newt shouts. "They're getting closer!"

"GOT IT!" Frypan shouts, scrambling to his feet with a shotgun in hand. He cocks it just as the Cranks become a mere 12 feet from us, and fires four bullets, which all hit a Crank. They all crumple onto the floor, letting out agonising wails.

"OK, LET'S GO!" Thomas yells at us. I turn on my heel and sprint down the tunnel, Frypan and Newt quickly following behind me as the remainder of the Cranks run after us. I hear shots fire from Frypan's gun, followed by more screams from the Cranks as they take the bullets.

"Woah, woah!" Thomas shouts, skidding to a stop and stretching out his arms so we don't fly past him. I squint my eyes and see another herd of Cranks coming from the opposite direction, specifically our exit.

"Shit. We're so screwed." I mutter, darting my eyes back and forth between the two groups of Cranks as they advance closer and closer towards our group.

But before any of them can get to close, the revving of an engine echoes throughout the tunnel, and suddenly a car comes speeding down the tunnel, knocking over a handful of Cranks on its way.

It pulls to a stop right by our group, and I watch as Brenda pops out of the open sun roof, cocking her pistol.

"Get in!" She shouts at us, aiming and firing at the monsters as they charge towards us.

The four of us sprint towards the car and Thomas pulls open the door, jumping into the backseat.

I scramble quickly in after him and shove up to make enough room for Frypan and Newt.

"Hey guys!" A familiar voice comes from the trunk. I spin around and see Gzi sitting on a pile of old clothes, grinning at me.

"Gzi, what are you doing here?" I ask in disbelief at the sight of her.

She scoffs and raises her eyebrow at me. "You didn't really think I was going to let you disappear just like that, did you?"

I laugh slightly, shaking my head. "I guess I should have known better from you."

"Ok, drive Jorge!" Brenda shouts, sitting back down in the passenger seat. The man slams his foot down on the accelerator, and we speed out of the tunnel, leaving the Cranks far behind us.

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