Chapter 18

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The room looked back at me, even Evan looked back. The looks between them all were as if they were all trying to figure who would tell me.

"How about we have dinner and put the young ones to bed before we get into that story?" Hallie said to the room.

We all agreed that that was the best plan as Lois has already seen and heard more than any young girl should have at her age. We all went through the motions of getting food on the table, watching the guys as they worked together to get dinner done, I see they are getting along now and like they were meant to work together which in a small way confused me as why didn't they feel the bond when they first met and why didn't I feel the connection back when we were younger between me and Evan.

A soft growl sounded in my head, and a voice whispered 'because I have only just woke up' but I knew deep down that was not my cats thoughts voice, making me wonder what's going on with me and when I will know what's behind that voice, before it whispered again "soon, soon we will meet and you will know the true you'.

Shaking my head clear I realise that dinner was done and cleared, Hallie had taken Barbie and Lois bed.

"Earth to Blaise, come in Kitty!" Even joked in front of me, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh piss off!" I laugh at his antics, as I get up from the dining table we had eat at, Even held my hand and rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand, one of the voices in my mind all but shivered a low happy growl at the feeling the simple hand touch brought me.

"You were eating my instinct back there, where did you go?" Evan asked as we entered the sitting room, with the curtains pulled and the lamps on the room had a cozy feeling. Beckett sat on the sofa and Quin sat on one of the three armchairs, as Evan sat me by Beckett and him sitting the other side of me, both my mates snuggling me in I felt safe.

"Oh erm, I keep hearing another voice in my head!" I tell the boys in the room.

"Your cat, that is usual for us shifters!" Quin quipped.

"Yea, you've told me how snarky she can be in the past!" Evan added, bringing a low growl from my cat at his words.

"No, another voice that joins my cats!" I tell them straight. "It's a new one, it says they have just woken up!".

"That is weird!" Beckett adds, holding my hand and like Evan rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand , causing my cat to purr.

"What's weird?" Sam asks as he enters with Hallie following.

"The children are down for the night, well I hope so but we don't know with Barbie. What's wrong?" she asks as she sits on the arm of the chair Sam had sat in.

"Nothing, let's shelf that for now. What can you tell me about this pack?" I ask.

"Well, there's not a lot that we do know for definite, but I will tell you what we know!" Sam told me. "The shadow pack is known as a wandering pack they have never set up territory of their own, they tend to attack packs and try to run the pack away from the lands after they have taken what and I heard who they wanted. Then they leave the area and move on, not really having any rhyme or reason on who and where they attack. Until now I guess!"

"Yea, I remember dad talking about them, they attacked my Aunt's Pack a long time ago. If I remember they stole all the orphans back then too!" Evan added. "That was a few years before we first met!"

"Around the time Lillie joined our pack after being found in the forests?" I ask, looking at Hallie.

"Yes, she was found in the forests alone 3 years before you left!" Hallie answered. "She was placed with a family at first, the orphan house was getting busy and we didn't want to overwork your parents!"

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