XI | Chocolate Cake

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A/N: Okay, here it is y'all! Finally finished it 😭 I barreled through this like a champ at the last minute--the procrastinator that I am--so please don't mind the little errors!

Oh, and please do leave a comment. Wanna know your thoughts. Also, they make me happy ❤️

Italics: thought, emphasis, foreign words


The first time Lisa had set eyes on Jungkook was over chocolate cake.

It was in the summer of 2013, Lisa recalled, and a boy group called Bangtan Sonyeondan had just debuted. Back then, she didn't know much about them, only that they came from a small entertainment agency and one of the members was really close with her male best friend Kunpimook, a.k.a. Bambam.

Bambam had been talking quite a lot about him ever since she could remember. The ever gregarious boy had even tried to set up a friendly meet to introduce them to each other but both of them were just too busy, Lisa being knee-deep into YG's trademark training from hell and Jungkook with his rigorous debut preparations.

Thus, Bambam had to settle with starting a group chat with just the three of them to kick things off, although it was only ever active when either Jungkook and Lisa posted snaps of their daily lives and had small talk over it.

(Although, she did it mainly to humor Bambam who'd insisted that they would get along like clockwork. She loved her Thai bestie too much to let him down. Plus, this Jeon Jungkook had an eye for photography, so maybe he had a point.)

She'd liked Jungkook better back then--behind a phone screen. Although he never posted a selca so she didn't know what he looked like, he seemed to be a pretty cool guy, just a bit reserved. But he couldn't be bothered, she reckoned, with most of his photos taken from inside their practice room or in the recording studio, and she respected his grind.

Anyway, that one humid night, Bambam had called in inviting her to a little get-together to celebrate Jungkook's debut. Lisa had been struggling with a creative roadblock then while choreographing for their monthly evaluations, and decided she needed some time off to breathe; so she just let Bambam and his best buds, now her GOT7 sunbaes--the fellowship of the '97 liners hadn't yet been founded at this time--whisk her away from the YG dungeon. Besides, it would be nice to finally meet this fabled Jeon Jungkook in person.

"This is perfect, Lalisa," Bambam interposed over the phone excitedly. "He's finally going to meet you, and on his debut day nonetheless! Kannon's timing is perfect, just perfect!"

Lisa raised an eyebrow. "Kunpimook, just a clarification, we are celebrating his long awaited K-pop debut and not us finally meeting, right?" her smart mouth snapped, the rhetorical question as harmless as it could be until Bambam decided to treat it like a real one:

"For me? Both!" He answered point-blank, snickering. "Y'all have been the longest K-drama I've been watching."

Lisa doubted her hearing for a second. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing. Anyway, you're buying the cake, whatever you think is good. Meet us at Ellen-noona's in thirty."


"Bye!" Bambam hung up.

The exchange still puzzled her to this day.

She had simply jogged two blocks from the YG building where her favorite trusty cake shop stood, a quaint and cozy establishment where she liked to unwind from a hard day's work. The shop was nearing closing time and the only whole cakes that remained on display was a vanilla buttercream cake labeled "Fluffy White Delight" and a moist chocolate one iced with whipped cream labeled "Better Than Sex".

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