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"Are you listening, Harl?" Natasha called, waving a hand in front of her face

Harley chuckled shaking her head in defeat while rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands. She let out a large yawn as Nat sighed clearly frustrated.

"Sorry Nat, what were you saying?"

"We were thinking of going out this weekend, are you in?" She asked.

"I don't know Nat, you know how people get when I go out, and I'm so tired with work and running the fucking company that isn't mine." Harley had been in the public eye since she was born, it sort of comes with the whole 'famous parents' package. It's the main reason she went all the way over to England to finish college, so she wasn't bombarded with questions and flashing cameras. She felt free.

"Come on Harl, just think about it okay?"

"Fine." She groaned, standing from her sofa wandering through into her bedroom. She scoured through her mountain of clothes throwing on her 'business' outfit. The black material sat mid thigh, hugging her waist and hips perfectly. Her leather jack was flung over her shoulders and the ridiculously high heels were slipped onto her feet.

"You should hurry up or you'll be late." Nat shouted from the kitchen.

"When am I ever on time!" Harley retorted evoking a giggle from Natasha. Harley continued to take her time getting ready, feeling extremely unprepared for the judgement she was about to face.

Nat stood in the doorway tapping her watch as Harley pulled her crimson hair down over her shoulders.

"You're wearing the jacket. Seriously?" Nat snarked. Harley rolled her eyes sticking out her tongue.

"Lets just go."

Nat had offered to give her a lift over there because there was no way she could ride over there in this outfit. Plus it was 'unprofessional' according to her dad despite the fact his company is only successful because he can ride a fucking bike. Nonetheless, she didn't really want to ruin her dress so she accepted a ride from Nat.

Of all the cities and shitty towns Harley had lived in, New York was her least favourite. She always complained that it was 'too busy' and 'the roads are shit' because there was nowhere to ride peacefully, even at night. That's why she chose to work at a bar an hour outside the city. She hated how bright it was and how loud it was and all the people that lined the fucking streets. It was her worst fucking nightmare. But she stayed to help her uncle with the company because her dad was always half way across the world and she couldn't let him do it by himself.

Nat's driving didn't really help with the uneasiness of the journey, because, there's no nice way to put this, she drove like a psychopath. Weaving between cars where she could, hammering on the horn at every minor inconvenience. She even took to screaming at red lights which Harley found incredibly helpful.

They finally made it to Wall Street and Nat pulled up outside the huge building that was launching into the sky. Harley leaned over to kiss Nat on the cheek expressing her thanks and stepped out of the car, heels clacking against the concrete pavement. She took a breath as she stepped through the glass door into the enormous lobby, people buzzing around like bees. She caught sight of Darcy, her intern, and waved her hand at her. Darcy clamoured over, a million papers and two coffees in her hand, ready to brief Harley on the meeting situation.

"Miss Blaze, we got some stuff here for you to read," she said struggling for breath "but, you'll have to do it in the elevator because they're already here."

"Thanks Darcy, and how many times do I have to tell you to call me Harley."

"Right, yes, of course. It's four guys all looking like some sort of mob family wanting you to invest." She sighed hitting the elevator button. Harley chuckled at Darcy's description.

"And what is it they do?" Harley questions flicking through the papers she had been handed, quickly skimming over the text.

"Manufacturing mainly, but they've got a few smaller businesses under their belt so ya know, might be a good call." Darcy said nodding her head. Harley pursed her lips slightly, reading the name of the company. George Barnes Corporation. Why did that sound so familiar? She chewed her thumb deep in thought when the doors of the elevator opened and Darcy began rushing out. Harley followed suit her heels clacking on the polished floors. "Are you taking Mr Blaze's elevator?" Darcy asked, pulling Harley from her thoughts.

"Yeah, I'll take it from here, thank you Darcy." She said taking the pile of papers from Darcy's hand. She spun on her heel and began sauntering towards her dads private elevator. She'd mocked him for it at the time but it had become surprisingly handy in times like this. As she turned the corner a large body crashed into her sending her papers flying everywhere.

"What is this asshole day?" she groaned as she gathered her masses of paperwork and slowly rose to her feet.

"Well maybe you should watch where you are going." The man said abruptly, brushing off his lapels as if her touch was filthy. She looked up to meet his gaze her brows pinched together, but was taken aback by the frown staring down at her. Even in her heels he was a few inches taller, with piercing blue eyes and stubble covering his cheeks. Her face softened for a moment before she remembered why she was conversing with him.

"Maybe you should have some respect." she retorted. He looked her up and down before striding past her down the hall. She stood in pure shock. What an arrogant arse, she thought to herself before continuing on to get to her fathers elevator. She punched the code into the pad, her mothers birthday, and stepped in, riding up to the top floor where her fathers office and meeting room was.

The whole floor was just windows. Every outside wall was glass gazing out to the bustling city below. Harley always felt funny up here, like her legs were turning to jello. She stepped into her fathers office preparing herself for the hell that was going t be this meeting. There was a soft knock at the door and her uncle Danny's head popped through.

"Hey kid, you ready?" He asked smiling at her, she let out a harsh breath and nodded her head, pulling her journal from the filing cabinet and her binder off the desk. She followed Danny as he held the doors open for her. She stepped into the meeting room, heels clacking and heart racing. No matter how many times she did this it always made her nervous. As she looked at the long table full of suit adorned men she met a pair of familiar eyes. The blue stabbed into her soul igniting something she'd never really felt before. Pure Hatred.

She ripped her gaze away holding her chin high and striding towards the head of the table where Danny had pulled the chair out for her. The men surrounding the table all rose from their seats, looking to Harley for approval. All the men but one. Him.

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