mr barnes

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Four hours Harley was sat in that chair. Four fucking hours. Darcy came in once to provide water and mocking facial expressions through the glass that only Harley could see. She bit her lip to prevent her from laughing unknowing of the eyes that watched her constantly.

He watched her every movement. Every eye roll, every deep breath, every chew on her thumbnail and every bite on her red painted lips. She was beautiful, there was no denying that, but if you looked at her long enough her nose looked too small and her eyes looked to big. By the end of the four hours he had memorised every single behavioural trait, every spec on her face and he even noticed the scar running through her eyebrow which she tried so hard to cover.

She never once looked at him. She wanted to. Gods did she want to. But she didn't, she stayed 'focussed' on the utter garbage these overpriced businessmen were spewing. She knew she was only there to make them tense up a little. Getting in the big boss mans daughter in to make sure everything was going to plan. Practically genius. For Johnny Blaze anyway. She tapped her pen to the side of her head distracting herself from the overload of boredom.

"Does that sound okay Miss Blaze?" Harley whipped her head up and was met by a dozen sets of eyes staring back at her. She looked to Danny who gave a subtle nod. She pursed her lips and leant back in her chair.

"You boys have got yourself a deal." She smiled after a while. There was a collective sigh of relief from around the room as all the men waited for Harley to make the next move. She nodded and slowly rose from her seat all the men eagerly following suit. There was another ten minutes of hand shaking and pointless sucking up before she finally had the chance to leave. She headed straight for the elevator, waving to Danny through one of the many windows.

"Hold the elevator!" A voice called, so she stuck her arm into the doors and a broad chest pushed its way into the small space. The air grew tense as the doors slammed shut. Harley took a quick side glance and proceeded to pretend that she had very important emails to answer.

"I'm not quite sure why you were at that meeting."

"Excuse me?" she responded, taken aback by his harsh statement.

"I don't know why you were even present during the meeting." he grumbled turning to face her. She spun to face him cocking her head to the side gritting her teeth to stop her from biting his beautiful head off. "It's not like you contributed."

"I'm the fucking daughter of the fucking CEO I can be at any fucking meeting I fucking want." She spat. "You weren't exactly talking the house down." she growled, picking at her fingernails.

"So you're the infamous Harley Blaze." He said eyeing her up and down "You look prettier in the papers." he lied. He just wanted a rise out of her. It was thrilling for him.

"And you are?"

"James Barnes." He stated. Harley smiled one of her evil smiles. She knew him from the papers too. He was the biggest playboy in the business world, every night he'd have a brand new bleach blonde tramp clinging onto his arm.

"I've heard about you." she giggled knowing exactly what this kind of 'man' hated and needed. "apparently you're a little small" her eyes flicked to his belt before looking back up to his eyes. She could see his jaw tense at the comment and his knuckles were balled into fists by his sides.

"You know you're not as great as you think you are." he spat stepping closer to her

"You're not as badass as you think you are." she spat right back stepping closer to him. They were mere inches apart, any sudden movement would have sent them hurtling into each other. All Harley could think about was his cologne, it was lingering around him, engulfing her completely. Gods she hated him.

The doors dinged open exposing the vast lobby. She spun on her heel stomping out, straight towards the glass doors. The blood was boiling in her veins and there was a loud ringing in her ears. She just wanted to be at home. She stepped outside the building onto the bustling street and stood waiting for Natasha to arrive. A large hand pressed onto her back followed by an aggressive 'excuse me' and she turned to see him. He stood beside her, also waiting for his ride to come and collect him, as he checked his phone every few seconds.

The seconds felt like hours with him standing so close to her, she could still smell his cologne mixed with the stench of smoke and city it was hypnotising. She could feel his chest rising and falling with every drag of his cigarette. She began to tap her foot on the sidewalk lightly, glancing at her watch praying that Nat would arrive soon.

The honk of a horn startled her as Nat pulled up in front of her. Harley waved, smiling and reached for the handle of the door but was beaten to it by a large tattooed hand. She looked up as James held the door open for her. His eyes were locked onto hers as he offered a hand, aiding her into the car.

"Mr Barnes." she nodded.

"Miss Blaze."

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